What's your weed smoking ritual?


Well-Known Member
Do you have a favorite food or drink you gotta have on hand? A favorite movie or song you like to chill to?


Well-Known Member
1.break weed up
2.roll it in a dutch
3.put finishing touches on it
4.Put dutch in mouth
6.get high
7.scavenge for whatever food or drinks are left

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
depends how much i've got available to smoke :P

if a little, then i have to be halfway through a pint of stella before i light up :P if lots, then roll a joint light the joint smoke the joint. and crack open a stella ;)


Well-Known Member
I got kids,,so smokin in my house is a no no,,I have 2 rituals,,,one is a workin ritual,,and a not workin ritual

workin ritual,,get to shop at 7
best employee(I call him # One)rolls the mornin doob
we smoke it
go roofing
end of day drive home is 45 minutes,,I usually smack # One's arm when we hit the highway and say,,You Know Your Roll
we laugh
then get high
evening time I may smoke a half a doobie in the garage

non workin ritual
drop wife off at train 8 o clock
kids leave 8 30
crack a beer and hit the garage,,
hit power button on stereo
roll doob
smoke said doob
bake here in the morning
drink more beer
roll another one before kids get home ,smoke half
smoke other after 9 -10 when kids are in bed

it's pretty ritualistic unless one of my buds comes over through the day and I get some bonus doobs,,or hash bots

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
I got kids,,so smokin in my house is a no no,,I have 2 rituals,,,one is a workin ritual,,and a not workin ritual

workin ritual,,get to shop at 7
best employee(I call him # One)rolls the mornin doob
we smoke it
go roofing
end of day drive home is 45 minutes,,I usually smack # One's arm when we hit the highway and say,,You Know Your Roll
we laugh
then get high
evening time I may smoke a half a doobie in the garage

non workin ritual
drop wife off at train 8 o clock
kids leave 8 30
crack a beer and hit the garage,,
hit power button on stereo
roll doob
smoke said doob
bake here in the morning
drink more beer
roll another one before kids get home ,smoke half
smoke other after 9 -10 when kids are in bed

it's pretty ritualistic unless one of my buds comes over through the day and I get some bonus doobs,,or hash bots
that's why i couldn't have kids for a while, damned sure :lol: but complete fair play to the whole distancing thing from the kids. that's good parenting. when they find pot, then you talk to them them :)


Active Member
I love to smoke some white widow in the morning to mid afternoon to keep me going and then at night I like a sweet kush and some wine with my wife... Peace


Well-Known Member
1.break weed up
2.roll it in a dutch
3.put finishing touches on it
4.Put dutch in mouth
6.get high
7.scavenge for whatever food or drinks are left
i second that
except i like to do number 7 in between numbers 3 and 4...just to prepare myself