I got kids,,so smokin in my house is a no no,,I have 2 rituals,,,one is a workin ritual,,and a not workin ritual
workin ritual,,get to shop at 7
best employee(I call him # One)rolls the mornin doob
we smoke it
go roofing
end of day drive home is 45 minutes,,I usually smack # One's arm when we hit the highway and say,,You Know Your Roll
we laugh
then get high
evening time I may smoke a half a doobie in the garage
non workin ritual
drop wife off at train 8 o clock
kids leave 8 30
crack a beer and hit the garage,,
hit power button on stereo
roll doob
smoke said doob
bake here in the morning
drink more beer
roll another one before kids get home ,smoke half
smoke other after 9 -10 when kids are in bed
it's pretty ritualistic unless one of my buds comes over through the day and I get some bonus doobs,,or hash bots