whatsapp question (girls oppinions welcome)

Don't get your honey where you make your money.

But that's all BS. We are men we're pigs. Countless ladies I've hit on here. Just got to commit to it and they just brush you off as another "man perv"

Play the cards right with enough swagger they pretty much like it....

But it doesn't hurt to try and be all nice I guess.

You can always show her your phone and point to her number and be all subtle " that's you isn't it ?"
How does your company handles inter office romance? I've seen a few go horribly wrong for both parties because the company didn't want to deal with their failing relationship drama. It's easier to let someone go saying "your not performing" than "your being a whiny little bitch about your relationship and it's affecting work". Not to mention there is a certain stalking element to it..seeing how you've posted on the internet( on a growing site doesn't help if they ever looked into it ) that you kept her number even though your not sure she would want you to have it, you called her a slut, and said you want to Fu@K her. I've seen case built on lesser evidence. But hey, I'm pessimistic and always expect the worst from people..

It's sad, but my attitude towards women at work is ignore them for the most part,unless it involves work, i can meet enough outside of work. I was never like this until i saw how large corporations don't play around with anything slightly resembling sexual harassment/unwanted advances. I saw 2 co-workers fired, over a year and a half period, and a 3rd suspended for so called "unwanted advances".
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where's your balls? Walk up to her and tell her you wanna stick your hard on in her pussy and attack it from the back. Then make a spanking hand gesture. Works erry time

Texas Trooper style!

Worse one of them got away with this shit using the, Nuremberg defense!
Well I did think it was ok. Just had a doubt that it mightnt be. But it just depends on her. I wasnt planning on asking her out just yet or anything just establish that we are now watsap buddies. But again if she isnt down with that ill look like a creep and a stalker and work will be super bad. So ill just leave it.
Don't try to slide in just break down the door...u will never get her naked acting like that...If you give her time to get to know you she probably won't want to fuck you..u gotta just fucking blindside her..and ask her out asap.. that way she doesn't fully know what she's agreeing to.. believe me I have a lot of trophy points. ..
Don't try to slide in just break down the door...u will never get her naked acting like that...If you give her time to get to know you she probably won't want to fuck you..u gotta just fucking blindside her..and ask her out asap.. that way she doesn't fully know what she's agreeing to.. believe me I have a lot of trophy points. ..
This^^^^^ This man is a mensch.... listen to him
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ok so after deleting hr number. Actually what happened is if you go in your group chat info everyones number is there..I messaged her one night privatley and it auto adds her number to your phone book. she messaged back and we had a little convo going. But great advice guys I need more confidence and then just try and hit up all the bishes I like. I have got major depression atm. getting some antids and ill be good to go in a few months. As for that girl. Because I didn't make a move she went a bit cold..because she went cold I went even colder to her which sorta worked for a day were she was trying to talk to me more than usual cuz I was ignoring her..I think I overdone it though cuz then she stopped lol. maybe the chance will come back again when she knows I just havnt been well... May even get an invite to "talk"
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Fuck getting an invite to talk! That is so weak bro. Damn dude you need to stand up, be a man, and be confident. Not gonna happen in 24 hours, but you can fake it and try, she will prolly think its cute. But flirt with her constantly. Don't flirt over txting!!! Flirt in person. Smile alot. Tell her you wanna bone her sister and mom at the same damn time. Seriously tho- Flirting and chocolate will get you everywhere with this type of girl. She wants to jump your bones, I can already tell. Get her giggling over something, you're feelin her, shes feelin u.... and bam ask her: "u wanna get something to eat later?"

Its that easy!!!! Don't say "dinner". say "get something to eat". That way you are not asking her out on a date, you are simply seeing if she wants to go with you. She is gonna say yes for sure, she is already flirting with you. I guarantee if you follow my advice it will work.

Then enjoy dinner and have fun. :) If dinner goes good, next time you see her have Godiva chocolate in your hand and give it to her. The deal will be sealed at that point and you're both in love with each other. :clap:

God I remember getting crushes on the hottest girls, it will make you crazy if they are super hot.

caught the tail end of an elevator quickie at my old IT-job, it was summer, so i walked in the elevator trying to not bust out LOL'ing~

The best place for an office quickie is the very top floor Fire Escape stairwell. In fact it can be more than a quickie, take your time! Nobody walks up that high, ever. Great place to puff also. Verified Legit.
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