Whatz your beef?


Ursus marijanus
smart ass. Better watch it, ill make you my bear Back bitch. make you dance like a russian bear.
I would be more inclined to post an arch response to this if it weren't for silas' brilliantly-placed response. Trains (esp. full of Japanese college girls) & trenchcoats ... now we got us a PARTY. cn


Weed Modifier


Well-Known Member
Just came in and saw the last page. Can't even begin to imagine where this is coming from...can't wait to see what's on the pages before this lol


Well-Known Member
home bathrooms, should have stand up urinal's for men....so women can stop bitching about us leaving the seat up!!! lol
Then just buy and install a urinal...I have always wanted like a big 5 shower locker room bathroom setup...everyone has their own little stall


Well-Known Member
I've read that potato is a bad idea

See your ophthalmologist (NOT optometrist). You only get one set of eyes. There
is a pretty good risk of infection if you put things in your eye, like potato
(yes, a lot of people do recommend this) or Visine (which is an antihistimine,
but also contains some pain killer), etc. Main problems are putting in things
that carry infectious matter and masking the pain and symptoms of infection when
it can be treated without causing permanent damage

The ophthalmologist will be able to a) give you the good stuff, b) minimize the
risk of infection, make sure that there is no damage other than to the cornea
(damage to the retina, for example, from IR or blue light) and d) minimize the
risk of permanent damage/scarring to the cornea (minimal risk from a single
occurrence, but still a risk) There are other risks as well.

The risk of
permanent damage from a single occurrence of flash burn is pretty minimal, but
there is a risk.

Anything you put in the eye before going may mask things
the opth. needs to see.

good luck stay high