Well,if we want really to philosophize about it ,no ...
The "father" of Diversion is "acclimation" (short-term wise ) and/or "adaptation" (long-term wise ) .
As with life and existence ,the general idea or concept of "being present " ,
and feeling free to hypothesize that " everything is a form-fraction -aka "fractal" - of everything",
then the above rules apply for everything else ,LED grow lights included ...
The "Necessity" gives birth to " Art " ( in the manner of ideas ,inventions ,etc ) ...
Then the Art ,via the "Acclimation-Adaptation" (to different diverse variables,like electricity cost ,space ,ambient temperatures ,etc ) + "Evolution" intercoursing ,brings Diversity to the scene ....
Thing is that none and nothing is perfect and never will be ..
And that because none or nothing can be adapted/acclimated to every possible "environment"
(or taste-style ...

..) and/or situation ...
Take for example the off-road vehicles ...
All of them designed for off-road use ...
Still some are good at "x" terrain and weather ,load ,etc ,while others are excelling in
different off road environments and situations ..
You have Lada Nivas ,Wranglers ,Jeep ,Land Rovers ,Range Rovers ,VW Tuaregs,Porche Cayennes ,
Mercedes G class ,Lamborghini LMs (! ) and the list continues further with more european ,american and asian
off road vehicles ..
All different ,none perfect .
Fabulous Fractal Forming Feature ...
Nature's way of Life multiplying and expanding .
Full of F ..
The "origin of species" explained in four words ,starting with F ...
Find - Flirt -Fuck - Forget ..
Furthermore ..Do you actually know what "LADA" means ?
LADA comes from the norwegian phrase "
Laget Av Diverse Avfall "
" Made of various waste ".....

Cheap No-name asian COBs and grow lights , are pretty much functional,too .... IYKWIM ...

And now,I 'm in the need for one more joint ...