When can I flip after topping?


Active Member

My first grow. Ive had to top them as my flowering room isnt ready yet, and they were getting too big.

Is there a certain period of time I should wait between topping them and putting them unto flowering?

Muchas gracias.


Well-Known Member
I usually like to wait 5-7 days. have you explored tying down? it makes or a much bushier plant but it does help in the height of the plant without having to loose growth?

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
There is no period of time. You can flower your plant at any point whatsoever, whether you have jut topped, or just planted the seed. There is no special time frame in cannabis. You can grow it however you want to.


Active Member
yeah, ive thought of it. Since this is my first grow, i didnt want to fuck about too much though. Theres alot of info in growing, so thought id keep it as simple as I can.....wasnt even going to top them, but needs be....


Active Member
thanks tip top. Good to hear. The amount of info can be daunting for a first time grower.


Active Member
cheers tiger. Can I start to train them when they are around a foot tall? Or does it need to be done from the beginning?


Well-Known Member
yeah, ive thought of it. Since this is my first grow, i didnt want to fuck about too much though. Theres alot of info in growing, so thoght id keep it as simple as I can.....wasnt even going to top them, but needs be....
if height is a issue topping wont help, like someone else said, tying down the top of the plant to the lowest point you can will make it bush out and shorten the overall height, i would tie it down, wait a day then flip to flower. this should give you the vertical space you need. all topping is going to do is make the plan Y out it wont fix your height problem

basically what happens when you tie the top of the plant down the rest of the plant's nodes or branches think they are now the top of the plant, and they start growing, this gives you a plant with multiple "tops" or dominant branches.
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Well-Known Member
You can top and switch to 12/12 at the same time. Transplanting, topping, doing LST etc is not at all stressful if you know what you are doing.


Well-Known Member
Yea don't no were u get the idea topping does NOT help with hight side by side 2 of mine were getting lets just say to big for their boots so just before flower I ran a side by side topped one left the outher the one I topped grew two perfectly healthy mains stopping at 5ft the outher had to b restrained and ended up nearly 7ft so that was the conclusion to my experiment ...both were good to me but 7ft TOTALY unacceptable ....lol


Active Member
Yeah, the only reason I topped was because they were getting too big for the veg room theyre in now. Flowering room should be ready in a week or so, and shouldnt be a problem then (should be around 8ft high)