when can i give seedlings nutruients


Well-Known Member
Depends on what kinda soil you got. If it's a good soil with nutes, you can let it ride for 30 days. I made the mistake of feeding my plant right after planting and she took forever to take off. If the soil has no nutes, I agree with the low doses in the beginig and work your way up slowly


Well-Known Member
Depends on what kinda soil you got. If it's a good soil with nutes, you can let it ride for 30 days. I made the mistake of feeding my plant right after planting and she took forever to take off. If the soil has no nutes, I agree with the low doses in the beginig and work your way up slowly
do you think that i should use potting soil or a potting mix by miracle grow 10-5-5 for my freashly germinated seeds
i use 3 drops of super thrive and 3/4 cap of fox farm grow big to a gallon of water. I water with that the whole first part of the plants life. i don't add my regular nuts for about a month. This super thrive stuff is amazing if u get a chance to use it.


Well-Known Member
I llove super thrive. Guy at my hydro store turned me on to it/ I though you only used big bloom during flowering, that's my plan. Big bloom, bat guano, and bud candy