When can i top her?


Well-Known Member
It appears to be plenty healthy enough and has enough nodes. You can top it where ever you want for the most part. What I do is wait for 4-5 nodes then chop mine just above the second node. Everyone may have a little different way of doing theirs:


Well-Known Member
It appears to be plenty healthy enough and has enough nodes. You can top it where ever you want for the most part. What I do is wait for 4-5 nodes then chop mine just above the second node. Everyone may have a little different way of doing theirs:
View attachment 3837878
If it is an auto, disregard my comment. I know nothing about topping autos


Well-Known Member
Not an auto lol, so I cut where it says to on the picture then pot that?
If you are referring to using your cutting for a clone, I do not do clones so I don't want to speculate. Someone else will need to help you with that one.

A.K.A. Overgrowem

Well-Known Member
That's what I was asking... I'm a huge noob, this is my first grow and I have no idea where to cut haha
Cut just above the second node at an angle with CLEAN scissors. Put cutting in h2o immed. I can't tell exactly but if you let plant grow about 3 more inches you may get a little better clone.


Well-Known Member
you're good to top.

make sure your scissors are clean.. I soak my scissors in 93% or more iso alcohol to disinfect.

I usually top 4 times before flipping to flower.

this is a nirvana blue mystic i just put into flower 1 week ago. she was topped 4 times and also lollipopped (taking off bottom 3rd of plant where shit nugs would grow).

any photo period strain I always do 2 things.. top multiple times and lollipop.. I dont do any lollipopping during flowering either .. I do all the topping/lollipopping in veg. then give it atleast 10 days to recover then flip to 12/12.

here is that blue mystic I have lollipopped and topped.


You'll get "Y" shaped branching after the topping works. that will look like this. Click to zoom in on the second picture and I show you what topping will look like after you've done it.
