When can I transplant?


Well I had a few bag seeds and I planted one in one of my house plants that was on the window and I never thought it would grow but it just popped out of the soil earlier this morning(kinda shocked me) I never expected it to grow lol Anyway it still has the seed casing on it. I'm just wondering how soon can I transplant it into a bigger pot?


Yeah I planted some other ones(about 12) they just weren't in house plants because I'm actually just starting to grow and stuff...I know it isn't good to plant it with house plants and stuff. But I did it to see what it would do lol or if it would grow or not. I never expected it to grow though...But now that it is growing I want to transplant it to a different pot. I'm just not sure if I can do it this early into it growing I really don't want to kill it.
You can I transplant them from jiffy pucks that small as I said just be very careful but you don't want those roots to start tangling in the other plants roots do it now to prevent harming the roots..also do you have anything to grow it is pretty involved


Yeah I have different sized pots and some small jiffy pots to use for seedlings and stuff. So pots aren't really an issue. Right now I am using some CFL lights to grow since this is my first grow I don't want to go out of the way and spend tons of cash on something bigger right now. Plus it's all I can really afford atm. I just wondered if I can transplant it this young since it JUST sprouted today and has the seed case still on it...Anyway thanks for the help I appreciate it.