When do I count first day of flowering?


hi all - I got some clones that were vegging inside from a friend.

I took them and put them in 12/12 outdoors on dec 24th.

It took about a week for them to start flowering.

When do I count first day of flowering? from the 24th or from the 1st?

Also I am curious - if the plant started to die or whatever and I was forced to harvest it now for example would the potency be the same as if I waited until day 60?

they already have trich's on the buds and on the leaves.

I transplanted them 3 days ago and some of the leaves are a light green now instead of the nice dark green they were before so I am kinda worried but from what I have read this is shock and they should recover - im just wondering how long it will take to recover.

just fed them today with nutes and molasses.

Illegal Smile

Start the 24th. No, the potency will not be nearly as high if they don't mature.


Start the 24th. No, the potency will not be nearly as high if they don't mature.
ok thanks - i guess i am only day 25 of flowering...

I am using half strength nutes right now - i think i am going to switch to full strength in a week from now for their last month of flowering.

i just hope the leaves turn dark green again and I hope the growth isn't stunted.


Well-Known Member
like illegal said count from first day at 12/12 but to be honest counting days is just a rough guideline not an exact way to predict harvest time that can only be told by trichomes and pistils changing color. as for shock recovery time, that varies but probably less than a week, normally it just slows growth down. just keepa close eye on them. potency comes with maturity and nothing else, u can play around with vegging times but not flowering, its built in genetically to the plant.


like illegal said count from first day at 12/12 but to be honest counting days is just a rough guideline not an exact way to predict harvest time that can only be told by trichomes and pistils changing color. as for shock recovery time, that varies but probably less than a week, normally it just slows growth down. just keepa close eye on them. potency comes with maturity and nothing else, u can play around with vegging times but not flowering, its built in genetically to the plant.
ah ok - when you say it slows down growth - do you mean temporarily while they recover from shock? or permanently?


Well-Known Member
Start from the day you started 12/12, start feeding your plants full strength nutes, thats why your leaves are turning yellow. And next time dont transplant during flowering. Good luck!


Start from the day you started 12/12, start feeding your plants full strength nutes, thats why your leaves are turning yellow. And next time dont transplant during flowering. Good luck!

ahh ok thanks for the tip - so I just fed them today about 500ml each of water with nutes and molasses but the nutes were half strength - what do i do now? do I mix the same amount of nute I used into a very small amount of water and add it to the soil? like maybe 1 cup of water and pour a bit into each of my 3 plants?


Well-Known Member
ahh ok thanks for the tip - so I just fed them today about 500ml each of water with nutes and molasses but the nutes were half strength - what do i do now? do I mix the same amount of nute I used into a very small amount of water and add it to the soil? like maybe 1 cup of water and pour a bit into each of my 3 plants?
well ive never done it before, but that might work, use the same amount of water though, maybe just mix in 1/4 strength with normal amount of water and go water them again. A lot of growers recommend watering twice for 1 watering spreading them apart a little bit, this insures the soil is completely saturated. Dont worry about how much water you are using, you cant over water a plant in one day.:leaf:


Well-Known Member
with my own nutes , bio bizz grow and bloom, i start with 2ml of nutes per litre of water on the grow nute, i increase this 1 ml per week till its 4 ml and continue this thru the grow and almost till the end of flower although i do reduce it for the last 2/3 weeks until its 2ml per litre. when flower begins i do the same increase until its 5 ml per litre and then i reduce it 1ml per litre per week until its the same as the bio grow i.e 2ml per litre, i also add 1 tbs of mollasses(well i actually use black treacle) per litre beggining around the fourth week of flowering but i will be doing it from the very beggining of flowering next time. my palnts take roughly 3litre of water every 2/3 rd day. im in week 7 of flower and my grow is organic under 1000watt hps. just thought i'd give u a run down of my own set up, mite give u sum idea, its a basic old school soil grow, nuthin fancy just done with care.


changed my mind after looking again at how many leaves are light green borderline yellow and decided to feed them with full strength nutes just now - will see what happens over the next 3 days or so - i figured i dont want to and see that they are now totally yellow then its too late. I am regretting transplanting them now. I am assuming that if they are still green even if they are light green they will still have photosynthesis.