When do i flower??

im growing indoors and i just want to know if there are signs of when i need to start flowering...(switching to 12-12 light cycle)....im a newbie but i only need to do this once then ill be good...someone help me..


Well-Known Member
You can flower at anytime. the only thing really affected is the number of nodes that could be gained by vegging to 18 or 24 inches. you need a lot of space to flower large plants though, so if your set up is small... flower as soon as possible or as soon as preflowers show


Well-Known Member
Yeah There is no real timing for your flowering cycle, the longer it veg's the bigger it will be. I start my flowering cycle when the plants are roughly 1/3 of my MAXIMUM grow area. The plants will generally stretch to 2x - 3x the size of when you start. You can always tie down if your area is getting limited.

Hope this helps

Cheers kwaka


New Member
from what i have read its my choice as long as theyre at least 12 inches....am i right
i have flowerd in the past from 2-3 inches but the yeild was crap, around 10-14grams.

the plant will stretch 2-3 times its starting hight, if u have limited space ide work out how much u can go to, e.g if u have 40inches of space ide grow to 10-12inches then flower those babies.
so in other words i could get them about 24 - 28 inches tall since my room is 8 foot ceilings...preflowers....when and if i see them is that when the plant has grown too long and has to be flowered then....


New Member
pre-flower is just showing u that the baby is sexualy mature and ready to be flowerd m8. if u got the hight space go for 18inches. ok good luck!!


Well-Known Member
i was told that once your nodes are starting in different places than the one on the other side its good to go
fuck whats the word im looking for interchanging,nope, inter fucking something

Hairy Bob

Well-Known Member
There's not much to be gained from growing a plant much taller than 3 foot or so, unless you're utilising sidelighting. Even a kw of hps won't penetrate more than about 3 feet of canopy, so any buds below that level are just wispy, airy 'popcorn' shite.
Of course if you plan to lst or scrog, then start flowering as late as you want, but if the plant is to be untrained, I'll say 18 inches max before start of flowering for a bushy indica.
All of this only applies to indoor growing. Outside, of course, the sky's the limit...
so....heres the deal...im doing a florescent grow and i dont have money for a nice setup but they are working nicely...ive got the florescent tubes on top and two 26 watt cfls....only doin three plants....if i say im gonna flower at fifteen inches do i need more sidelights???i know I DO need more but would two more be okay???thats all i can really do...

Hairy Bob

Well-Known Member
For how many plants? How many fluoros and what wattage are they? You want as much sidelighting as possible with fluoros, since the light is only really useable up to about 6-8 inches away from the bulb.
I'd have a tube in each corner, a few cfls above and maybe more cfls round the sides if you have more than a couple of plants.


Medical Marijuana (MOD)
so....here's the deal...i'm doing a florescent grow and i don't have money for a nice setup but they are working nicely...ive got the florescent tubes on top and two 26 watt cfls....only doing three plants....if i say i'm gonna flower at fifteen inches do i need more sidelights???i know I DO need more but would two more be okay???that's all i can really do...
the more light you can get to the lower branches the bigger your yield is going to be due to the light that the plant is receiving. more light the bigger your yield....good luck:blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
i flowered my arjans ultra haze 1, a pure sativa, while it was just a little shrub with 3 wks of veg. im in the 2nd wk of flowering and this thing is a beast- about 2.5 ft.