when do i pick off my buds


Well-Known Member
a microscope is perfered. if no scope then wait till half or more of the hairs turn color, the buds become hard and dense and the crystals turn somewhat amber. you will be able to see the difference. not ready=silver/white crystals. ready=amber/golden crystals. you will be able to see the over all glow that all the crystals together make.


Well-Known Member
with a microscope you will want to look at the trichromes (crystals) to see what approx color percentage you have. clear is not ready by far. cloudy gives you a more uppity stone. the more amber you have then the more of a narcotic "couchlock" kind of stone. poppular time to pull is about 50% cloudy 50% amber. but honestly you should pull them when you feel that they will produce the stone that you want. hope this helps


Well-Known Member
sorry for the multi posts....little stoned and remebering shit after..........go to a hobby shop and get a handheld scope that is 20x or better. mine is 30x and cost me $12. um ya, i think that is all that i wanted to say....lol


Well-Known Member
go to radio shack and get the one i got for $12.00...i just picked it up yesterday! IT can adjust from 60X-100X. it even has a built in light.