When do I start watering with no nutes?


Active Member
It looks like some of my buds are starting to get red hairs on them! I've read that I should harvest the buds when about %70 of the hairs on it are red, and that you should use plain water in your reservoir 1 week before you harvest. My question is how do I know when it's 1 week until harvest and when do I put in plain water?


Well-Known Member
Ya really want to look at the trichs and not the hairs. The hairs do give you a heads up that it is ripening. How long have been flowering?


Well-Known Member
i personally like to just back off the nutes slowly and try to get at least two weeks in of just plain water..but thats just me


Active Member
oh ok. i'll get a magnifying glass to check out the trichs. i wait till the trichs are %70 red before harvest?