When do I switch from Fluro to MH?


Active Member
So my 400watt light came today.
When should I switch to the MH bulb from my Fluro?
I transplanted half my babys last night to square containers as you can see in the pic, they are a week and 2 days old.

Some of them havent sprouted yet because I just transplanted some to jiffy pots a few days ago.

Should I switch all them to the MH or wait for the little guys to get bigger before I switch those ones?

Also distance from light to plants for a 400w MH how far should they be from the plants?



Active Member
The Light should be Right On Top of the plants right now (Few inches away), The Flouros at least..

When you hook up your other light, I'd say, If your running on Cycles, before you start a new cycle hook it up, and just let it go from there on it's cycle

The plants are Stretching toward the light it looks like, so move your light closer
The MH should be Close.. But not close enough to dry them out or burn them... Let the bulb warm up a little bit before using, That way you get an idea of how much heat it will produce


Well-Known Member
So my 400watt light came today.
When should I switch to the MH bulb from my Fluro?
I transplanted half my babys last night to square containers as you can see in the pic, they are a week and 2 days old.

Some of them havent sprouted yet because I just transplanted some to jiffy pots a few days ago.

Should I switch all them to the MH or wait for the little guys to get bigger before I switch those ones?

Also distance from light to plants for a 400w MH how far should they be from the plants?

I recommend waiting 2 weeks before you place your seedlings under your MH. I use a 1000w MH and i burned up seedlings with it. You might be ok a little earlier with a 400w but im not one to take to many chances. =) As for the distance, put your hand under the light and move it down till you dont feel to much heat, then thats your spot for the top of your plants. You can get it closer with the use of fans.:peace: :joint:


Active Member
Hydroflo, 2 weeks from now? or 2weeks into them growing?
I running a 18/6 cycle right now with the fluros, I plan on doing the same thing with the MH light for the vege stage.



Well-Known Member
Hydroflo, 2 weeks from now? or 2weeks into them growing?
I running a 18/6 cycle right now with the fluros, I plan on doing the same thing with the MH light for the vege stage.

I waited 2 weeks after they pooped up before putting them under my MH. Just to clear up distance, floros can be placed right on top of your babies, as for the MH, be careful with it at first and again i would wait 2 weeks or so.


Well-Known Member
wait with the MH until they deveoled their first big leaves, or even longer. but before you do anything, you move that cfl's of yours down, right above their heads, okay:) we don't want them to fall over and brake, or do we;)


Well-Known Member
i would put them under now,,, even a hour at a time, and close 15 inches. This will strengthen them. Just watch them at first.


Well-Known Member
I agree with dursky, move that cfl down. Your plants are stretching for light. i have a 400w hps, with a MH conversion bulb, and I usually wait until they at lest have grown one full set of leaves. But usually wait untill they have two sets of leaves, just to make sure not to stress the litlle ladies.