When do i uses nutrient from seed ??


Well-Known Member
Hi guys
just joined,

i planted my first seed 8days ago in a hydroponic setup...
its about 1inch high now...i give it 18hours of light and
just water it at the moment, but when do i start using
nutrient and how much... i dont wont to kill it... i have
the xtreme veg A and B nutreint solution.... your assistance
would be much Appreciated..
Thanks Darran :confused: :confused:

My email is [email protected]


Well-Known Member
Hey there dude, i wouldn't add any nutrients till the begining of the 3rd week unless your growing hydroponicly...


Well-Known Member
I'm doing the same at the moment - I have a Hydro system & am using distilled water for the seedlings - I just need to know when to start using nutrients & how much?? - Any help much appreciated...


Well-Known Member
SWIM that uses a ebb & flow started their first grow with seelings.. they were pretty thin and needed to be held up by a stick becuase the fans knocked them over. He did the first week with just plain water, then started in on 1/2 strength nutes for another 2 weeks.. after that he went full strength. He's had good results with this regement..

good luck!


Well-Known Member
I try to feed as my plant shows it. I usually start after the first week with minute amounts of nutes. I have a 1 1/2 week old seedling that looks like a little N deficiency. So I bumped up the nutes by 100ppm. I will continue to increase by 100 ppm every week....not that hard.


Well-Known Member
....and i will continue not to respond to threads that are four years old.

edit: except just this once