When do outdoor plant start to flower ? (Photos included)

Hi so this is my very first plant and its been vegging for about 2 months now its still pretty small but i was wondering wen it was gunna start flowering. cos i looked at the sunrise/sundown chart and im not gunna get 12/12 till like end of March over here where i live :/.
Ive heard from some people that outdoor plants just flower when they are ready ? even if the lighting isnt 12/12

Is this true ? or am i going to have to wait like 4 months for it to start budding ?

THanks in advance



Well-Known Member
ya it will start flowering in 13 hours of light but makes most its bud in 12hrs or less of light, cannabis can flower itself when its ready but that takes a good couple months, by then it will already be march
ҖҗlegilizeitҗҖ;6742838 said:
ya it will start flowering in 13 hours of light but makes most its bud in 12hrs or less of light, cannabis can flower itself when its ready but that takes a good couple months, by then it will already be march
Hmm i see i see. Would it be ok if i started flowering now ? like is the plant big enuff for a decent harvest ? Il just cover it up with black plastic bag or something


Well-Known Member
Well I see it is in a pot...so if you wanted to flower it now you would need to just bring it in


Well-Known Member
Not to mention you don't even know if it will bud or not, it isn't showing it's sex yet, so until it waits til it is ready or you flip the lights you won't know.


Well-Known Member
IMO i would say if u have the time, resorces and patience i would jus leave it as it is and let it takes its corse, in the mean time u have about 5 months till a harvest so why not start something indoors. U could schedule to harvest them at the same time


Well-Known Member
ya start growing indoors! lol ya unless thats feminized i would grow more than one plant. grow like 7 more if you stay outside. if it turns male on yu your screwed lol
ҖҗlegilizeitҗҖ;6743044 said:
i wouldnt cover it, i would let nature take its coarse, if you wanted to control it like that you should have grown indoors lol
Im tempted to but i kinda want buds to smoke soonish :/ not really that patient ay.
I got a couple of those black garbage bags couldnt i just use those to give it 12/12 ?
ҖҗlegilizeitҗҖ;6743077 said:
i think it would suffacate nd can cuse light leaves and no circulation could cause bud rot
Siiiiiiigh so i basically gotta wait 3 more months for it to flower ? daym thats like 5 months in total :(
I know its kinda a noob question but anyway to make it bud quicker ?


Well-Known Member
Siiiiiiigh so i basically gotta wait 3 more months for it to flower ? daym thats like 5 months in total :(
I know its kinda a noob question but anyway to make it bud quicker ?
ummmm not really. if it was auto it would start flowering now, but other than hat not really. but IMO be patient, keep growing outdoors, plant 7-9 more plants, cut like 3-6 of them down in march when they show being males, and keep the rest. then come harvest you will prb get 2-4 oz a plant. that is what i would for sure do.
ҖҗlegilizeitҗҖ;6743197 said:
ummmm not really. if it was auto it would start flowering now, but other than hat not really. but IMO be patient, keep growing outdoors, plant 7-9 more plants, cut like 3-6 of them down in march when they show being males, and keep the rest. then come harvest you will prb get 2-4 oz a plant. that is what i would for sure do.
Aite, if i got some new seeds is there some way to know if theyre auto or not ?


Well-Known Member
I c i c hmmm mite buy some of these then. Any suggestions on which strains to get ?
Wouldnt u get caught tho if u get seeds sent over ?
nahh they harly ever get caught being sent over and if tey do all that hppens is the post takes the seeds and mails you a letter sying they took them. thats it. also you can buy stealth shipping so the seeds are hidden inside a shirt or candy box. and on your card you buy with they dont put the orders name as cannabis seeds but somthing like shoes lol. and im ot to good with strains bt i know you really have to study them, find quality strain seller(not knock off brand) and you will need to know how it ill grow(how tall, strain, thc level, disease resistance, indoor/outdoor strain) and such
ҖҗlegilizeitҗҖ;6743352 said:
nahh they harly ever get caught being sent over and if tey do all that hppens is the post takes the seeds and mails you a letter sying they took them. thats it. also you can buy stealth shipping so the seeds are hidden inside a shirt or candy box. and on your card you buy with they dont put the orders name as cannabis seeds but somthing like shoes lol. and im ot to good with strains bt i know you really have to study them, find quality strain seller(not knock off brand) and you will need to know how it ill grow(how tall, strain, thc level, disease resistance, indoor/outdoor strain) and such
Hmm sounds exciting well ill just let my current one grow and let nature do its thaang hopefully its female im gunna slap some hoes if its male :(. Any ways of making it go female ? My mate talks to it as if its a chick i dunno if that works haha