New Member
I'm outraged clearly I need to riot and loot. I need a new pair of Air Jordans.
Because you think people became smart in 20 years or you think Zimmerman will get convicted?There won't be any riots.
I don't think people will riot in trigger-happy Florida.Because you think people became smart in 20 years or you think Zimmerman will get convicted?
^^^^ The black community does NOT need to riot. It's the wrong course of action....The community should get organized and protest in mass against the judicial system, not riot!
~ p e a c e ~
Perfect shallow opinion. That what they want you to think. "I didn't know, so I glossed the media and now have their opinion."I was kinda wondering why you guys were so angry about this but I just checked out the story...
And I'm pissed right from the start. A young black kid walking down the street unarmed must be public enemy #1 in that neighborhood! This reminds me of the feelings during the Rodney King case in Cali back in the 90's. LA was on fire....
And the system is standing up for Zimmerman...this is wrong
This nails it! They knew from the start it was self defense but they were scared of riots so they bring this woman in file an absurd murder 2 charge hoping that would quell the riots. So, they managed to put everything on hold, but they don't know where to turn now. They can't wait forever and they know it can't go to trial - they want the pissedoffedness to die down, not be stimulated by more media in a trial. So - I think the plan all along was to force a judge to throw it out hoping that can be done quietly. A deal was probably cut in advance for this woman, she knew it was crazy to file those charges. She's probably getting money/job from somewhere.I think it will be dismissed and never go to trial, even if it does go to trial he will be found not guilty. With that said the Prosecuter will be charged and lose her licence to practice law. This was a clear cut case that should have gone to the grand jury where it would have been no billed. She knows it, the investigators knew it all along even from the police cheif down. Political presure, example, kids and adults are killed all over the country every day. Babies missing, just flat out gone in the middle of the night, no arrests, no grand jury probes nothing. When was the last time you saw the White House offer to send investigators from the Department of Justice. ugh. Total crap, ABC news doctoring video to hide head inj and the bandage on the nose that we now know was broken. Just flat out crap.
I don't see why you have to criticize me....So I don't end up with your opinion after watching the story, eh? Well, I heard the mother cry for justice so....I'm with herPerfect shallow opinion. That what they want you to think. "I didn't know, so I glossed the media and now have their opinion."
Can I please see statistical evidence that being black is positively correlated with being fat and lazy and lacking commitment?Zimmerman won't go to trial, it will be thrown out. But I don't see any riots. Why? Because I don't think black people have the stones to bring it anymore. Back in the day they would but now they have gotten fat and lazy and lack the commitment to put themselves at danger. They'll just sit back and watch the talking heads on librul news whine and cry about it. They'll shake their fists and yell at the cameras, but they won't take any real risks.
in suspense...watch how predictably this will unfold: because it has been pointed out that illegal smile made some racist comments, he and others will decry anyone who calls out his inane drivel as a racist.
wait for it...