When do u introduce fem to get seeds?


Active Member
I was thinking of trying to produce some seeds, just for fun. I was wondering when i should introduce the fem. to the male, meaning at what stage should the fem be at? I'm not looking for a ton, but i have no real clue what to do other then pick the best male and female.


Well-Known Member
First off, both the male and female should be at least 2 weeks into flower. Probly more for the male since the pollen sacs have to open in order for you to obtain the pollen. Your gonna wanna take your male into another room to avoid risk of pollinating other females in the grow room. Lay out a trash bag on the floor and gently shake the branchs of your male so the pollen will fall onto the bag. After doing this for a few minutes you should notice the powder that is pollen, collecting on the bag. Scrape it all into a pile and put into an empty film case or somthing similar until your female is ready to be pollinated. When your ready turn off all the fans in your grow room to avoid unwanted pollination of other female. Get an un-used paint brush, dip it into your pollen and gently wipe it onto the female flowers of the branch you've chosen to pollinate.Or you can put you pollen in a bag and drape it over your selected branch but you run risk of pollinating other ladys. There you go! Make sure to let that branch fully mature until harvest otherwise your work will be in in vain.
If your doing bagseed, imo, its a waste of time unless you got lucky and got some bad ass bud.


Active Member
Thanks for your reply, it took me a while but i finally had a boy and i pretty much did what you said. My only questions would be how far along should a female be ( what is too far)? How long can u keep the pollen and it still work?