When Does A Plant's Age Begin?


Well-Known Member
I was at a coffee shop last night and got into a discussion on a plant's "Born On Date".
Some people say a plant is born when the tap root comes out of the seed.
Some other people say a plant is born when it sprouts out of the medium.
I've done some research on this and come up with nothing.

What do you all think, when does a plant's age begin?


Active Member
I am no expert on the issue, but I have always considered my plants "born" the day I introduced them to soil... The day that I take seeds from their germination and put them into soil they were born


Well-Known Member
Personally i start counting when i see something green like you. Just a couple days difference either way.
This is what I was thinking. But I'm wondering if it's just an opinion or if there's some actual written documentation on this.
Like with human beings. A person's born on date begin's when they are born out of their mother's womb, not when they are conceived.

I'm wondering if there is something to go by. I'd hate to always guess how old they actually are.


Well-Known Member
Ive often wondered this myself.. Thats why on my journal I wrote "Days since ground-break: XXdays".


Well-Known Member
i would think once it cracks out the seed shell, cause thats it starting to get all the nuts it need and begin growing


Well-Known Member
:mrgreen: dont think Bongjuice got it :-?
I got it, I just didn't respond because it's bullshit. I'm hardly a noobie.

People would rather mock and insult others before coming up with
something intelligent to say.

The amount of responses to my question proves my point....