When does a seedling enter the vegetation stage?

Well I'll be you are correct. I wasn't aware of this and it will change my grown plan just a little.

"In the case of dicot seedlings whose cotyledons are photosynthetic, the cotyledons are functionally similar to leaves. However, true leaves and cotyledons are developmentally distinct. Cotyledons are formed during embryogenesis, along with the root and shoot meristems, and are therefore present in the seed prior to germination. True leaves, however, are formed post-embryonically (i.e. after germination) from the shoot apical meristem, which is responsible for generating subsequent aerial portions of the plant.

The cotyledon of grasses and many other monocotyledons is a highly modified leaf composed of a scutellum and a coleoptile. The scutellum is a tissue within the seed that is specialized to absorb stored food from the adjacent endosperm. The coleoptile is a protective cap that covers the plumule (precursor to the stem and leaves of the plant)."

Cots have less and more basic vein structure as well as stomata so yes they are different but they both have identical structures and purpose. A lot of cotyledon advice/info just seems stoner myth stuff.
I would say when it can handle full veg lighting all the time. Also the stem changes from that white baby stem to thicker and green as plants mature.
I would say when it can handle full veg lighting all the time. Also the stem changes from that white baby stem to thicker and green as plants mature.
If I'm growing from seed they get the full light from the start (veg light = T5's) just like they were outside :). Clones get a week of diffused light while they build roots.
Actually its when the 2 cotyledon leaves fall off. When you think about it it's almost as if the plant is saying I don't need you anymore I can go out and be my own self. Like the plant is ready to face whatever may lay ahead. Just a little stoner talk from stoney.
I've had lots that don't fall off, well not for a very long time, plants would finish at 8' if I waited that long lol.
Actually its when the 2 cotyledon leaves fall off. When you think about it it's almost as if the plant is saying I don't need you anymore I can go out and be my own self. Like the plant is ready to face whatever may lay ahead. Just a little stoner talk from stoney.
Why feed people bs? The round leaves don’t fall off anytime soon. Truth.
I generally count the first 2-3 weeks as pre-veg. I don't even feed them for at least a week, and then i's just baby food (clonex, very light ppm mixes) for another week or two.

If I clone, it's when they hit soil.