When does Capitalism fail?

The fact that his parents took care of him was not the point. The fact that he wants it to continue through some other agency is the problem.

And the fact that he wants me and other strangers to pay for it is what makes it a problem.

He wants free college paid for by someone else. He thinks that capitalism has failed because he isnt benefiting from it... etc.

The mindset of more and more people to look to someone other than themselves to provide things is a huge problem.

he should get himself a lawnmower and a trailer out in AJ, like someone i know.
he should get himself a lawnmower and a trailer out in AJ, like someone i know.

It would be a damn sight better than whining that college isnt free and capitalism has failed on a pot website.

Who knows, he might not be destine to be a loser like you...
when the public realizes that its not about the labels and when they start seeing that clothing and food from any store or even from their own selves is just the same.
The fact that his parents took care of him was not the point. The fact that he wants it to continue through some other agency is the problem.

And the fact that he wants me and other strangers to pay for it is what makes it a problem.

He wants free college paid for by someone else. He thinks that capitalism has failed because he isnt benefiting from it... etc.

The mindset of more and more people to look to someone other than themselves to provide things is a huge problem.

I do agree that it is a struggle from start to finish. But, there are no problems to me. Only the struggle of self-rule is slowly producing success. We are by far the least racist place of Earth at this time. That's fact. We treat women at partners. That is very unusual. WE are slowing showing the world the way. It is working.

I don't even see that it is about problems, in that way. It is a giant grits mill to me. WE grind our ideas in this System and what comes out is based on OUR understanding of the Constitution. It seems to be working....DC vs Heller was a body blow to the numb-nuts, but they love to lie about everything.

I will say, one of the struggles is to not see the other guy as a problem, for some random, personal reasons.

And that is even if you say your reason is not random and personal.
I do agree that it is a struggle from start to finish. But, there are no problems to me. Only the struggle is slowing producing suceess. I don't even see that it is about problems, in that way. It is a giant grits mill to me. WE grind our ideas in this System and what comes out is based on OUR understanding of the Constitution. It seems to be working....DC vs Heller was a body blow to the numb-nuts, but they love to lie about everything.

I will say, one of the struggles is to not see the other guy as a problem, for some random, personal reasons.

And that is even if you say your reason is not random and personal.

If someone wants to advocate the government dig deeper into my pocket to provide for them I have a problem with that.

I believe that is enough reason to speak vocally against it.
If someone wants to advocate the government dig deeper into my pocket to provide for them I have a problem with that.

I believe that is enough reason to speak vocally against it.


"I'll donate 2 dollars to a war effort to avoid paying a dollar to feed people in the US."

"I'll donate 2 dollars to a war effort to avoid paying a dollar to feed people in the US."

If that is your translation of "government digging deeper into my pocket" you have Obama and 5 years of his presidency to blame before you automatically start blaming Bush...
If someone wants to advocate the government dig deeper into my pocket to provide for them I have a problem with that.

I believe that is enough reason to speak vocally against it.

too bad for your persecution complex that obama has only lowered your taxes!

no one advocates taxing your lemonade stands or lawnmowers, dungeons and dragons boy.
If that is your translation of "government digging deeper into my pocket" you have Obama and 5 years of his presidency to blame before you automatically start blaming Bush...

to blame for what? lowering the taxes of all working americans?

damn you obama! stop lowering our taxes! :cuss:
It would be a damn sight better than whining that college isnt free and capitalism has failed on a pot website.

Who knows, he might not be destine to be a loser like you...

Why would it be better? You are proposing censoring of opinion, I think. If we all agreed it would be boring.

And insisting everyone should agree with your idea and not propose the counters....well, it starts with a t and ends in yranny.
Communism and socialism are political models, capitalism is not... Just because it is an ISM doesnt make it the same thing...

There is very little pure capitalism left in America. Regulations, subsidies, etc destroy fair competition and what we have left is not true capitalism it is some socialistic bastard of the concept which the left declares has failed.

Go back to school you little punk.

sorry bro.

capitalism is strictly a fiscal policiy and an economic principle.

Socialism, and in fact the whole of marxism is an economic theory, and a political theory operating in tandem.

much in the way islam is both a religion and a political movement.

and so is judaism.

and so is "dominionism" in christianty, and so is catholicism, etc etc etc...

capitalism is the idea that items have intrisic value based on Utility and desirability, and that value is modified by Scarcity.

EVERYBODY needs water to live, but everybody does not have a well outside their back door, or a river or lake in their back yard. as such somebody has to bring water to those who desire it, or offer it up from a central locartion

in ancient rome, water was free to all, from public fountains brought in at government expense through taxation. the apparatus and infrastructure of the water's transportation was paid by all, rich and poor and arrived in common fountains where all received the benefits. this is a Communal program, in that it is for the benefit of society as a whole, since a city without water is a ghost town. nobody sold water in rome, since it was FREE TO ALL, and you cant sell free stuff except to dumbasses. Unfortunately being free, everybody simply assumed the wells and fountains would tend to themselves, and the shit became raggedy and disgusting in short order. so the senate established that public houses bars and bath house operators would have to maintain the wells and fountains near their establishment as a part of their Civic Obligation. the abuse of common resources by the least conscientious (washing your laundry in the fountain basin where everybody draws their drink, shitting in the fountain, dumping trash in the fountain etc...) is the Achilles Heel of communism

in modern america all water is delivered directly to your house as part of a utility system where water use is metered and billed by usage, or assessed as a flat rate to all homes recieving water service. This is a capitalist system, since the water is delivered based upon your paying the bill. if you dont pay, your water gets shut off, or it is sold in plastic bottles at a criminal markup by dingbats who inform you that municipal water is poison, and their shit is awesome. thats Capitalism's Tradeoff, We are subject to Marketing.

in some municipalities, even if you have your own well you are still REQUIRED to have municipal water service, and you still get a bill every month for that service even if you do not use it. That's the ugly bastard child of Capitalism and Communism, Socialism. Socialism tells you what you may have, what you MUST do, and if you dont like it, theres always the Gulag. Socialism promises the same ideals as Communism, but invariably the apparatchiks live in Dachas on the black sea, and the plebs live in 12 story walkup apartment blocks riddled by crime hunger and desperation. Corruption and Self-Enrichment is the downfall of Socialism.
sorry bro.

capitalism is strictly a fiscal policiy and an economic principle.

Socialism, and in fact the whole of marxism is an economic theory, and a political theory operating in tandem.

much in the way islam is both a religion and a political movement.

and so is judaism.

and so is "dominionism" in christianty, and so is catholicism, etc etc etc...

capitalism is the idea that items have intrisic value based on Utility and desirability, and that value is modified by Scarcity.

EVERYBODY needs water to live, but everybody does not have a well outside their back door, or a river or lake in their back yard. as such somebody has to bring water to those who desire it, or offer it up from a central locartion

in ancient rome, water was free to all, from public fountains brought in at government expense through taxation. the apparatus and infrastructure of the water's transportation was paid by all, rich and poor and arrived in common fountains where all received the benefits. this is a Communal program, in that it is for the benefit of society as a whole, since a city without water is a ghost town. nobody sold water in rome, since it was FREE TO ALL, and you cant sell free stuff except to dumbasses. Unfortunately being free, everybody simply assumed the wells and fountains would tend to themselves, and the shit became raggedy and disgusting in short order. so the senate established that public houses bars and bath house operators would have to maintain the wells and fountains near their establishment as a part of their Civic Obligation. the abuse of common resources by the least conscientious (washing your laundry in the fountain basin where everybody draws their drink, shitting in the fountain, dumping trash in the fountain etc...) is the Achilles Heel of communism

in modern america all water is delivered directly to your house as part of a utility system where water use is metered and billed by usage, or assessed as a flat rate to all homes recieving water service. This is a capitalist system, since the water is delivered based upon your paying the bill. if you dont pay, your water gets shut off, or it is sold in plastic bottles at a criminal markup by dingbats who inform you that municipal water is poison, and their shit is awesome. thats Capitalism's Tradeoff, We are subject to Marketing.

in some municipalities, even if you have your own well you are still REQUIRED to have municipal water service, and you still get a bill every month for that service even if you do not use it. That's the ugly bastard child of Capitalism and Communism, Socialism. Socialism tells you what you may have, what you MUST do, and if you dont like it, theres always the Gulag. Socialism promises the same ideals as Communism, but invariably the apparatchiks live in Dachas on the black sea, and the plebs live in 12 story walkup apartment blocks riddled by crime hunger and desperation. Corruption and Self-Enrichment is the downfall of Socialism.

The only correct thing in this turd is the very last statement. However, a better wording would have been: Corruption and Self-Enrichment are the downfall of Society.

The only ism that enshrines Corruption and Self-Enrichment as holy sacrament is Capitalism.
Communism and socialism are political models, capitalism is not...

capitalism is strictly a fiscal policiy and an economic principle.

according to you two then, no one should ever say "we are a capitalist society".

yet for some reason those words, or some variation thereof, get uttered with great frequency.

but why would two water carrying, right wing gaylords try to decouple capitalism from politics, when the two are hopelessly intertwined?

serious question, i don't imagine they are doing simply because they are right wing gaylords. i imagine there is some ulterior motive, likely sinister.
Capitalism is not the problem, GREED is the problem. Back in 63 our currency was backed by gold and silver. Once the scum who run the world were able to get their puppet (Nixon) to cave, it was a matter of time. In 63 a dollar was equal to > $5 today. Still think your vote matters?

our currency was de-monetized long before nixon was even born. in 1913 the 5 biggest money men on earth got together and created the Federal Reserve Act (which is 2 lies and a mischaracterization) which created the Fiat Money System and established the Fractional Reserve rules which we still use today (with minor alterations) This "Act" dug a shallow grave by the railroad tracks, and went out stalking for victims. Our Congressional Whores were the first dumb hookers lured into the trap by the Federal Reserve Act, where they were drugged (with campaign donations) sodomized (by erosion of their own power by their own cupidity) and butchered like pigs (when the money men took over the day to day operation of our monetary system). For the next 30 or so years, our monetary system laid in that shallow grave decomposing, being gnawed on by scavengers and feeding the various insects and bacterium in the area. (Wall Street) Later the corpse was found, and identified by the Hoover administration, but Hoover was too busy to worry about a dead hooker from 30 years ago so he sent the corpse off for disposal. a Proper Coffin was constructed, and a Proper Grave was dug by FDR, Nixon just closed the lid, nailed it shut and started throwing dirt on top.
our currency was de-monetized long before nixon was even born. in 1913 the 5 biggest money men on earth got together and created the Federal Reserve Act (which is 2 lies and a mischaracterization) which created the Fiat Money System and established the Fractional Reserve rules which we still use today (with minor alterations) This "Act" dug a shallow grave by the railroad tracks, and went out stalking for victims. Our Congressional Whores were the first dumb hookers lured into the trap by the Federal Reserve Act, where they were drugged (with campaign donations) sodomized (by erosion of their own power by their own cupidity) and butchered like pigs (when the money men took over the day to day operation of our monetary system). For the next 30 or so years, our monetary system laid in that shallow grave decomposing, being gnawed on by scavengers and feeding the various insects and bacterium in the area. (Wall Street) Later the corpse was found, and identified by the Hoover administration, but Hoover was too busy to worry about a dead hooker from 30 years ago so he sent the corpse off for disposal. a Proper Coffin was constructed, and a Proper Grave was dug by FDR, Nixon just closed the lid, nailed it shut and started throwing dirt on top.

you may have failed your poli sci classes and just made up your own definitions, but at least you passed your creative writing course at the junior college.
according to you two then, no one should ever say "we are a capitalist society".

yet for some reason those words, or some variation thereof, get uttered with great frequency.

but why would two water carrying, right wing gaylords try to decouple capitalism from politics, when the two are hopelessly intertwined?

serious question, i don't imagine they are doing simply because they are right wing gaylords. i imagine there is some ulterior motive, likely sinister.

uhh 2 + 2 = 57


we can be a capitalist society, as well as a democratic republic, AND a liberal progressive society all at once, these ideals are not contradictory.

you can be a democracy, a republic and a liberal progressive society as a Communist society too.

and even a socialist society to some degree.

Capitalism also functions quite well under theocracies, plutocracies (where it really flourishes) oligarchies, autocracies, and monarchies.

Communism also works well under any political system, and in small groups even NO political system (Open Communes and Free Collectives)

Socialism (the economic part) generally requires a strong central government and some level of oppression to make the econoomic system work, and curtail the inevitable rise of petty capitalism and black markets.

but you know this. your just trying to derail the discussion.
you may have failed your poli sci classes and just made up your own definitions, but at least you passed your creative writing course at the junior college.

dont argue the issue, argue the opponent.

classic bucky, classic ad-hominem, classic fallacy.
Socialism (the economic part) generally requires a strong central government and some level of oppression to make the econoomic system work, and curtail the inevitable rise of petty capitalism and black markets.

but you know this. your just trying to derail the discussion.

and capitalism requires a certain type of government to flourish as well.

how many socialists are we electing?

(here's the part where you really show off your stupidity and call obama a socialist, just like your bircher buddies told you to)