When does Capitalism fail?

i don't need a book to tell me that buying insurance from private, for-profit insurers is not socialism.
strictly speaking it is not pure socialism. it is more akin to the brand of national socialism that made the nazi party so popular with post ww2 germans. it is an unholy melding of government and industry for the sake of furthering a political agenda.
i'm glad someone besides myself is willing to compare our present situation to what can only be called classical fascism. in an attempt to discredit all conservative philosophies, the intelligentsia has always tried to link fascism and naziism to the right end of the spectrum. the truth is that both embrace the tenets of national socialism, a path that must be more accurately ascribed to what we currently recognize as modern liberalism. we find ourselves rushing headlong into a world where the individual and his rights are secondary to the society or nation as a whole. that we are getting there through the actions of the ignorant, envious mob is of little consequence.

the saddest part is that, though the democratic party is the most strident advocate for this authoritarian nightmare, the republicans are not far behind. the reason the u.s. has always stood against such concepts as these is that the rights of individuals are the basic building block of our national identity, though we have not always been so true to those tenets. we are now joining the savages in the destruction of the individual as an important piece of the puzzle, with both major political parties doing their best to dismantle our national ethos.

strictly speaking it is not pure socialism. it is more akin to the brand of national socialism that made the nazi party so popular with post ww2 germans. it is an unholy melding of government and industry for the sake of furthering a political agenda.

got it, obamacare is nazi play.

your opinion has been noted. i will file it away with your other gems, such as "anti kiddy diddling laws are tyranny".
i don't need a book to tell me that buying insurance from private, for-profit insurers is not socialism. or new wave socialism. or pastafarian socialism. or asymmetric backwards lunge thrust socialism. or whatever new socialism you want to invent next to try to fit the world to your delusions rather than fixing your delusions to fit the world.

Third Way Socialism is EXACTLY that.

this little innovation, Corporate Socialism, where corporate and business interests and government team up to fuck the proles, is exactly why Mussolini was drummed out of "respectable" Marxist movements, despite his innovation proving highly successful at getting the camel's nose under the tent in areas where regular socialism doesnt play, and the proles are difficult to radicalize due to their general satisfaction with the current system.

Marx developed Communist Theory in the salons of Berlin, Vienna, London and Paris. He tried to radicalize the german intellectuals but they preferred to stroke their beards and sit in their private clubs sipping port and smoking cigars.

Lenin and Trotsky re-packaged the Intellectual Vanguard of original Marxism as the Russian Peasant friendly Industrial Workers Vanguard and had a hit on their hands.

Mao couldnt sell the Industrial Workers vanguard in china so he re-packaged it as the Agrarian Vanguard, and it was the talk of the town.

Mussolini couldnt sell any of that shit in Italy so he repackaged Marxism to cater to his market, the upscale, upwardly mobile urban capital class, and the "Middle Class" and it was a Money Spinner. Mussolini's original track has been in heavy rotation for nearly 100 years now, and it's still Bumpin The Club all over europe. numerous cover bands (like Adolph and His Nuremburg Orchestra, The Scandinavian Big Band Ensemble, and the American Democratic HouseParty) have rworked the track, with new arrangements, fresh new backbeats, and in some cases, just remixes featuring R Kelly and Ludacris.

it's still the same old song, even if you add a little high hat, and alter the chord progression.
Third Way Socialism is EXACTLY that.

this little innovation, Corporate Socialism, where corporate and business interests and government team up to fuck the proles, is exactly why Mussolini was drummed out of "respectable" Marxist movements, despite his innovation proving highly successful at getting the camel's nose under the tent in areas where regular socialism doesnt play, and the proles are difficult to radicalize due to their general satisfaction with the current system.

Marx developed Communist Theory in the salons of Berlin, Vienna, London and Paris. He tried to radicalize the german intellectuals but they preferred to stroke their beards and sit in their private clubs sipping port and smoking cigars.

Lenin and Trotsky re-packaged the Intellectual Vanguard of original Marxism as the Russian Peasant friendly Industrial Workers Vanguard and had a hit on their hands.

Mao couldnt sell the Industrial Workers vanguard in china so he re-packaged it as the Agrarian Vanguard, and it was the talk of the town.

Mussolini couldnt sell any of that shit in Italy so he repackaged Marxism to cater to his market, the upscale, upwardly mobile urban capital class, and the "Middle Class" and it was a Money Spinner. Mussolini's original track has been in heavy rotation for nearly 100 years now, and it's still Bumpin The Club all over europe. numerous cover bands (like Adolph and His Nuremburg Orchestra, The Scandinavian Big Band Ensemble, and the American Democratic HouseParty) have rworked the track, with new arrangements, fresh new backbeats, and in some cases, just remixes featuring R Kelly and Ludacris.

it's still the same old song, even if you add a little high hat, and alter the chord progression.

next thing ya know, my trips to buy food from the grocery store are going to be labeled as seventh wave adventist socialism.

it's all pretty funny to me though, just watching you chase your mussolini bunnies.
next thing ya know, my trips to buy food from the grocery store are going to be labeled as seventh wave adventist socialism.

it's all pretty funny to me though, just watching you chase your mussolini bunnies.
perhaps a little light reading is in order. perhaps you could take some of the time you spend increasing that 35k post count with drivel and learn a bit about the history that the rest of us have already learned. hitler, stalin and mussolini were considered heroes in their respective nations. the people, caught in an economic tailspin, readily embraced many of the measures that were later vilified. propaganda machines ran night and day to make sure the ignorant mob was fed an inflated view of their leaders' "victories" and to see to it that the rabble recognized the "enemies" within the state. does any of this sound familiar? these weren't evil people cheering such despots on, they were the same sort of ill-informed population that fills every nation. they were basically good people, frightened by their circumstances and fearful of what lay ahead.

we seem to be repeating a pattern here, though with far less bloodshed and far more global effect.

as a side note, i'd like to say that these boards just wouldn't be the same without you. every forum needs a mindless troll for comedic relief and you are ours. keep up the good work. you make the rest of us look just that much more intelligent by your presence.

I doubt anyone here but myself read Martin Eden. But if anyone else has, I'd bet on you. That's pretty much how I view the world. I'm Martin Eden. Nice to meet you.
next thing ya know, my trips to buy food from the grocery store are going to be labeled as seventh wave adventist socialism.

it's all pretty funny to me though, just watching you chase your mussolini bunnies.

they're so different! they cannot be in any way related:


yet both are Animals, Vertebrates, Mammals, and Primates.

Nahh... that's crazy talk.
perhaps a little light reading is in order...and learn a bit about the history that the rest of us have already learned. hitler, stalin and mussolini were considered heroes in their respective nations. the people, caught in an economic tailspin, readily embraced many of the measures that were later vilified. propaganda machines ran night and day to make sure the ignorant mob was fed an inflated view of their leaders' "victories" and to see to it that the rabble recognized the "enemies" within the state. does any of this sound familiar? these weren't evil people cheering such despots on, they were the same sort of ill-informed population that fills every nation. they were basically good people, frightened by their circumstances and fearful of what lay ahead.

we seem to be repeating a pattern here, though with far less bloodshed and far more global effect.

You're view of history seems to be off. You seem to think that you're part of a revolution against the left. Then you go on to mention, "the same sort of ill-informed population that fills every nation".

Oh the irony.

South America is freeing itself. That is the revolution, you're the ill-informed.
perhaps a little light reading is in order. perhaps you could take some of the time you spend increasing that 35k post count with drivel and learn a bit about the history that the rest of us have already learned. hitler, stalin and mussolini were considered heroes in their respective nations. the people, caught in an economic tailspin, readily embraced many of the measures that were later vilified. propaganda machines ran night and day to make sure the ignorant mob was fed an inflated view of their leaders' "victories" and to see to it that the rabble recognized the "enemies" within the state. does any of this sound familiar? these weren't evil people cheering such despots on, they were the same sort of ill-informed population that fills every nation. they were basically good people, frightened by their circumstances and fearful of what lay ahead.

we seem to be repeating a pattern here, though with far less bloodshed and far more global effect.

as a side note, i'd like to say that these boards just wouldn't be the same without you. every forum needs a mindless troll for comedic relief and you are ours. keep up the good work. you make the rest of us look just that much more intelligent by your presence.

so you're saying there's some sort of state propaganda machine glorifying obama's "victories"?

sounds more like you're butthurt.
they're so different! they cannot be in any way related:


yet both are Animals, Vertebrates, Mammals, and Primates.

Nahh... that's crazy talk.

one of them is your lover, the other is a human female.

before too long, buying condoms from a private, for profit condom provider is gonna be labeled as doggy style socialism.

Ever tried to start a business? How many businesses fail, in the first 5 years?

Do you know any real statistics on countries? Maybe ranking them? The ones are the bottom you might says some are attempting to practice capitalism. (whatever that is?) But, they lack a middle class, and they can't have a functioning auction due to warlord-ism.

So it may look like capitalism, but feudal, really. It is a difficult thing to practice fairly this auction economy, because you have to have trust and verify. Anything else, however, is a theory or a farce when in practice.

Capital is the only system that ever works but it has to be watched. And the watchers watched, etc. It is a balance, it lead to Commerclalism, for it is what it is. Mostly failing, just better than anything else, by far.

I just realized that I haven't even mention the real problem.

Credit. Not Capital. It's a run away loan to value ratio that says, only 10% of the global economy exists as cash. The rest is Loan. So, don't hate your Standing. Hate the idea of all this lending and debt.

Lending and Debt takes us from a level consumerism to a runaway Commericalism. Commericalism is based on FALSE Capital. It's other people's money. It stopped meaning anything when we don't know whose credit bought that boastful ride and all that Bling. We don't know who is who in Capital anymore.

  • Credit. Not Capital. It's a run away loan to value ratio that says, only 10% of the global economy exists as cash. The rest is Loan. So, don't hate your Standing. Hate the idea of all this lending and debt.​

If there was no credit there would be no mortgages, no car loans, no home equity lines of credit, etc.
So...that is why no one is proposing we eliminate credit. That would be stupid. Can you make any other comments along this political control point that has been seriously abused lately, like the last 10 Presidents? Credit is manipulated by Banking....not Banks. Those are the studges in the Federal Reserve System.

So, usual in discussions, I never mean to just turn it around and sink it. I am alway am talking about course correction....even when I say always. :)

So, tell me your opinion. Should consumer credit be modified in any way? Segmented, restricted? I'm listening.
So...that is why no one is proposing we eliminate credit. That would be stupid. Can you make any other comments along this political control point that has been seriously abused lately, like the last 10 Presidents. Credit is manipulated by Banking....not Banks. Those are the studges in the Federal Reserve System.

So, usual in decussions, I never mean to just turn it around and sink it. I am alway am talking about course correction....even when I say always. :)

So, tell me your opinion. Should consumer credit be modified in any way? Segmented, restricted? I'm listening.

It depends on if you have faith in the consumer or not...

Personally I believe it should be de-regulated.

Here is an example of how regulation has hurt me. Home Depot used to be able to offer a 12 month, no payment - No interest deal to their customers. Due to legislation somewhere in 2012 or so they were no longer able to offer the no - payments part of the offer.

So, I am now required to make 11 minimum payments and one equity payment on the same loan. I now have 11 more chances to make a late payment and get fees charged to me due to an arbitrary government regulation that imposes itself between me and my creditor. One which we both dont want or need to be able to do business between each other.

Other such legislation has affected me adversely by eliminating late payments and other things that provided credit card companies with plenty of cushion to give their better customers great deals, lower balance transfer fees, etc. Now all of the legislation protecting the consumer from themselves has cost additional fees to everyone in the form of higher rates, higher balance transfer fees, etc.

So, as someone who believes in personal responsibility I want the restrictions on a contract between an individual and a company offering credit to be cut back quite a bit.