Stoney McFried
Well-Known Member
Humans that don't kill their young aren't any better than animals either.We're just another life form on this planet,one that happens to have a superiority complex.
Conditioning...yeah...that's exactly what religion is.You're not gonna stop it, it was happening before Roe vs. Wade....only more mothers were dying...but I suppose you think that's fit punishment,since the religious always try to interpret the mind and word of god to suit themselves.Going by your logic Humans that kill their young are no better than animals, With this I would agree.
Isn't it amazing how the human mind can accept anything providing the proper "conditioning" is applied? Since Roe vs Wade, 40 million unborn have been sacrificed to the god of convenience ... and we call them "tapeworms." What a sad commentary on our Orwellian society.