When DoThey Smell ??


Well-Known Member
start to smell l slight veggie/weed smell after about 2 weeks, they stink all through the veg stage and start to wreak during the flowering stage. there are ways to filter hide the smell tho


Well-Known Member
carbon filter in the grow box, maybe the fabreeze air sanitizer or an ionic breeze (from the infomercial) might work. alot of people use incense when they cant afford odor fighting machines


Well-Known Member
I also hear ona odor block works ok, I have some coming in ups tomorrow so we'll see how it works. im using a deodorizer right now that i got from hidhut.com for like $7.99 and its been working very good my plants been flowering for about a month and it smells great in my closet, nothing like weed so im happy. the ona odor block is suppose to actually attach to the odor molecules and do something similar to a carbon scrubber i believe? not 100% sure on that though


Well-Known Member
you really dont start to smell them until 4week into flowering..the other smell you can cover up with a candle..but remember not all strains give out a hardcore smell..some could go away with good ventaliation