ya for sure, just get fresh air in from somewhere. Good air in bad air out,those girls are creating ALOT of oxygen and will starve the room of C02 quick if you dont have a way to at liest get fresh air from the house in there. if your in the basement, use the dryer line going out as your " good air in" as long as your not running the dryer, there is your air from out side. if your in a closet.... well.... cut a hole in your celing and get a vent tube to to any attic or roof vent you can. you can make a neet little A.C unit with a small bar refrigerator and some ducting, just drill a hole threw the door of the fridge screw in a 4" duct connector to the face of it run duct into your room. I tried it, I actualy invented it when i needed to cool a room and had no means, an old bar fridge, some duct work and an idea. it was a small room and the condencer on the fridge didnt actualy burn out for like a year! kinda cool. remember its not just the lights creating heat! Respect