When/How Much Co2 are we talking here??

I have a 4 x 4 x 8 grow room and a 400hps to vedge and flower. Got an intake, outake, and 9" clip-on fan.

How much Co2 are we talking about to fill this room?

At what point do I start the Co2? and How many ppm's?

I'm thinking about doing some sugar and yeast. seems the easiest and most cost efficient.

Can anyone help me out? Thanks in-advance.


Well-Known Member
well i dont have anything to calculate co2 but your area in your room is 128, roughly the same as my box. i just take a milk jug, fill it half way with water, (1/5 the amount of water) sugar, and same with active yeast and it seems to give just the right kick. in case you dont know, you can let your grow room get a bit hotter without affecting growth if you have a nice strong supply of co2, just throwing that out there for your. But yeah dude, you can try my method and see how it works out for you. Just give the jug a gentle squeeze, and watch out when you shake it at first, it will build up pressure in the jug the first few times shaking it haha. the first time i ever did it i have it 3 solid shakes and i feel the jug expand and then squirted all over me and the inside of my box haha. i had to wipe down the mylar. but yeah do that and just shake it once or twice a day. feel free to try more if you want and let me know us know how it works out for ya
whats the count though on the ppms coming out of that? And should i do it more when flowering? that seems like an easy way, thanks man! ill let you know how it goes.


Well-Known Member
Um, its hard to determine something like ppm for co2. I know that on average or so most air has around 300 ppm of co2. But 1500 is the max from what i vaguely remember reading one time. Either way i dont really know how much they are getting. At the same time i dont think its worth going through all the trouble of spending so much money JUST for the co2. I just recommend making that little mixture and seeing what it does. I suppose if its not making enough difference you can experiment with it to find out exactly how much you can get in there and let us all know. But be carefull, i would hate to find out you ruined your grow due to co2 OD. Good luck!