when is a plant able to handle cloning


Well-Known Member
half nutes
ph 7.0
no ppm
60% soil
40% perlite

water every 3 days
i put her in a lot of pain so thats why she could be so small
and i was thinking how good i was
ha i laugh at myself
keep them coming this shows how much i need help


Well-Known Member
put your ph down to 5.5 - 6-5 read the bottle of neuts shud tell u the ph level and i wud giv her full neuts nw shud grow twice as quick


Well-Known Member
I usually only mix in about 20-25% perlite so you may be set back because the roots don't like the soil. Perlite is a good filler but does not really add any benefits to the soil other than keeping it light and well drained.

I would transplant that into a pot with a pre-mixed garden soil and wait about a week before taking any clippings. You should be able to get maybe 4 good clippings from that plant for cloning purposes.

With the clones I normally use equal parts perlite to peat moss to start off with. And get a spray bottle to mist them constantly, I have found that the peat/ perlite mix works really well but dries out quickly.


Well-Known Member
i got 100% off the plant
i cut 3
into rw with perlite
used rootex
first clones i have taken
thanks for your help