When pseudoscience harms


Well-Known Member
Heh, I just came here to post this. ^

Guess i'll go with this instead --> http://www.wftv.com/news/news/local/baby-dies-whooping-cough-orange-co/nXXqP/

Baby dies from whooping cough in Orange Co.

"It's really unfortunate. We're saddened to hear that an infant died of something like this," said Dain Weister with the Florida Department of Health in Orange County.

Officials said the family chose not to vaccinate their child. Some parents are choosing not to fully vaccinate their children because they worry there is a link between the vaccinations and autism.

"A lot of people may not know (that) even the person who did that study admitted that study was flawed," Weister said.

Health officials said that has caused vaccinations to drop and the number of cases of measles, pertussis and other preventable diseases to go up.


Well-Known Member
When someone says they think there's a link between vaccines and autism, the first thing that comes next is 'Jenny McCarthy'. Her work has actually led to the deaths of babies.

Many-a-loads have also been spilled in her name from her other works... damn, that lady is a baby killing machine it seems!
When someone says they think there's a link between vaccines and autism, the first thing that comes next is 'Jenny McCarthy'. Her work has actually led to the deaths of babies.

Many-a-loads have also been spilled in her name from her other works... damn, that lady is a baby killing machine it seems!
And if the religious folks among us believe what they do about conception, her spreads in Playboy have killed thousands of other babies if you know what I'm sayin'

Fuck that woman...on a semi-related note, Mr. Jim Carrey there used to.


Well-Known Member

"A year after Amanda Berry disappeared in Cleveland, her mother appeared on "The Montel Williams Show" to speak to a psychic about what happened to her daughter. "

"Psychic Sylvia Browne, who has made a career of televised psychic readings, told Louwanna Miller on a 2004 episode of the show that her daughter was dead, causing Miller to break down in tears on the show's set. "

"She's not alive, honey," Browne told Miller on the show, according to the Cleveland Plain Dealer newspaper. "Your daughter's not the kind who wouldn't call."

"Miller told the newspaper that she believed "98 percent" in what Browne told her. Miller died a year later from heart failure."

"On Monday, Berry was found alive after she broke free from a home in Cleveland where she says she has been kept for the past decade."


Well-Known Member

Parents let their daughter die by refusing to get medical attention. Instead, they prayed....

Now, ask yourself this; why are they going to jail if god exists? I can almost guarantee that the judge that sentenced them to jail is a Christian. So, if the Judge really believed that god has a plan for everyone, and that praying is real and has real effects, then why do we sentence people to life in jail when they pray, and their children die? Are we supposed to intervene with gods plan to save the kids? If god wanted the parents to take their child to the hospital, it would be immeasurably easy for god to communicate that to the parents. So either, god said 'no' to saving the child, and Christians don't really believe that prayer works (hence sentencing them to life), or God said 'no' to saving the child and the Judge is pissed that god made that decision, and is punishing the parents unjustly for the crime of god..... OR.... god doesn't exist and we need to make laws because god has NEVER enforced a law, EVER in the existence of the universe. I'm putting my money on the latter....

Fucking religion... lol

The BLaKsmith

Active Member
wow it's hard to believe people out there watch their kids die because they think that praying will cure them just like that and I was raised christian


Well-Known Member
wow it's hard to believe people out there watch their kids die because they think that praying will cure them just like that and I was raised christian
Now imagine if it were a video game that the parents said they learned their parenting skills somehow, there would be NATIONAL debates about how violent video games need to be outlawed and all this other bullshit, yet clear cut case of Christianity leading to the death of a kid by indirectly mentally castrating both of the retards who bred it, no debates, no attention, no coverage...


Well-Known Member
I do think it's curious, but harmless and efficient. There really isn't anything 'warm' about business or economics anyway. To me it's no more impersonal than scanning a CC at burger king. Hiring more staff probably translates into more taxes, which would also make parents mad. I don't think the purpose is to verify identity, but to indicate being present in line. Kids would lose cards, forget pins, ect.
so aren't most of those kids that are being scanned in that lunch line on some type of government aid such as food stamps and housing? and would they scanned those that pay cash.


Well-Known Member
Good. This charlatan has caused enough damage for one lifetime, I even fell for some of his shit way back when...


Kevin Trudeau Sentenced to 10 Years In Prison

Jurors convicted Kevin Trudeau in November for defying a court order

By Phil Rogers and Courtney Copenhagen

| Monday, Mar 17, 2014 | Updated 7:21 PM CDT
Judge Ronald Guzman: "This case is about his refusal to follow court orders. To tell people the truth. That's just not that hard."

A federal judge sentenced TV pitchman Kevin Trudeau Monday to 10 years in prison for bilking consumers through his infomercials.
In November, jurors convicted Trudeau of defying a court order barring him from running infomercials that made false claims about his book, "The Weight Loss Cure They Don't Want You to Know About."
Prosecutors say he aired the infomercials anyway, at least 32,000 times.
Before sentencing, Judge Ronald Guzman described Trudeau as "deceitful to the very core," and said he "requires a sentence that will deter him from future conduct of the same type."
"Since the age of 25, he has steadfastly attempted to cheat others for his own individual gain," Guzman said in court. "He has treated federal court orders as if they were merely suggestions ... to be mistreated, side-stepped or ignored."
Trudeau asked for leniency in court, promising to be a "better person."
"I had a true awakening since being incarcerated four months ago," Trudeau said. "I've been stripped of ego, defiance, arrogance and pride. It's made me a better person. I'm not the same person I was seven years ago when I made the infomercial."
"I wish I could turn back the clock and never made the statements I made in the infomercials. Making those statements were a mistake and I am sorry."
Trudeau also apologized to anyone who bought his book and felt misled.
The 10-year sentence was requested by prosecutors, while defense lawyers contended Trudeau should serve less than two years for his criminal-contempt conviction.
"There is no doubt that along the way some people have been helped by what he's done," Guzman said. "But this case is about his refusal to follow court orders. To tell people the truth. That's just not that hard."


Well-Known Member
Good. This charlatan has caused enough damage for one lifetime, I even fell for some of his shit way back when... http://www.nbcchicago.com/news/local/tv-pitchman-kevin-trudeau-sentencing-250594051.html?fullSite=y&_osource=SocialFlowFB_CHBrand Kevin Trudeau Sentenced to 10 Years In Prison Jurors convicted Kevin Trudeau in November for defying a court order By Phil Rogers and Courtney Copenhagen | Monday, Mar 17, 2014 | Updated 7:21 PM CDT Judge Ronald Guzman: "This case is about his refusal to follow court orders. To tell people the truth. That's just not that hard." A federal judge sentenced TV pitchman Kevin Trudeau Monday to 10 years in prison for bilking consumers through his infomercials. In November, jurors convicted Trudeau of defying a court order barring him from running infomercials that made false claims about his book, "The Weight Loss Cure They Don't Want You to Know About." Prosecutors say he aired the infomercials anyway, at least 32,000 times. Before sentencing, Judge Ronald Guzman described Trudeau as "deceitful to the very core," and said he "requires a sentence that will deter him from future conduct of the same type." "Since the age of 25, he has steadfastly attempted to cheat others for his own individual gain," Guzman said in court. "He has treated federal court orders as if they were merely suggestions ... to be mistreated, side-stepped or ignored." Trudeau asked for leniency in court, promising to be a "better person." "I had a true awakening since being incarcerated four months ago," Trudeau said. "I've been stripped of ego, defiance, arrogance and pride. It's made me a better person. I'm not the same person I was seven years ago when I made the infomercial." "I wish I could turn back the clock and never made the statements I made in the infomercials. Making those statements were a mistake and I am sorry." Trudeau also apologized to anyone who bought his book and felt misled. The 10-year sentence was requested by prosecutors, while defense lawyers contended Trudeau should serve less than two years for his criminal-contempt conviction. "There is no doubt that along the way some people have been helped by what he's done," Guzman said. "But this case is about his refusal to follow court orders. To tell people the truth. That's just not that hard."
Coming soon, The secret cures for blue balls that prison inmates don't want you to know about!


Well-Known Member
You call it stating the obvious, I call it begging the question. Anonymity was never an option, even with card punching. The card still identifies which account to charge. How does scanning better identify a child than card punching, aside from avoiding fraud and stolen cards?
Clearly, you have no idea what a punch card is. A punch card isn't connected to any "account". There is a hole in the card. X number of holes in the card and it is used up. When the card is used up, you get another. Much like a subway token, but used more than once.