when r U planting???


Well-Known Member
I actually just planted one. And she is doing fine.
But I will be planting the other few I'm starting indoors and then I'm gonna plant them probably in June/July.


Well-Known Member
its 4.20 for a reason!!!! plant them then!!! and if you want a second harvest you plant on 5.17-23!!!....get a Farmers almanac!!! it'll tell you everything you need to know!!
thats good to hear, i want to go and get some tomato transplants and let them grow a couple feet before i plant but what strains r u throwing outdoors
im gunna be doing clones and bagseed the clones r coming from some really good smelling bagseed plant that i have growing and im almost positve its female by the way shes growing staying short and compacted but growing side growth and getting nice and green and real thick... thats the best thing though is growing ur own stuff and making ur names from ur weed


Well-Known Member
The one outside is a random bag seed and then clones inside are Bob Marley. I do plan on planting on 4/20 btw. ;)


Well-Known Member
fuck you douche bag yur the 1 that ask!!! i simply told you when to plant them!! that when I plant them and most other people do to ...if you ever grew a regular garden your fuckin dumb ass would know when to start planting fuvcking seeds!!!....it dont matter if its tomatoes or bell peppers or lettuce!!! get a fucking head on your shoulders and learn sumthin before you bash someone for helpin you fuck stick !!!


Well-Known Member
LOOK I CAN SAY FUCK TOO>FUCK c'mon if you didnt want people to tell you when then you should have specified that you were curious as to what others plans were in your original post. otherwise its up to the speculation of whoever is reading. I plan On putting mine out on the 20th as well although it could be May 20th but I started in Feb so they might be establised enough to handle a frost what do you think?


Well-Known Member
OH WAIT HE DID SPECIFY sometimes people can be tools and reply without reading. cause everyone knows so much more than everyone else.


Active Member
Im in Northern California and I usually plant outside anywhere from 4/20 to 5/1. This year I have a light dep greenhouse thats gonna go a bit long so I probably won't plant the full summer crop until the second week of June or so. Hopefully they'll all be vegged to about 3 feet by then :)


Well-Known Member
Northern California, here.

I generally put my plants into the ground immediately after I harvest the Spring buds. Usually in the last week of April. By this time, revegging is visible, allowing me to choose the most vigorous plants.

The plants generally grow VERY rapidly after transplanting, because the root mass is intact, and supporting less vegetation, allowing it to grow very rapidly. The plants also benefit from all the extra room for roots to spread into.

I do these things based on several decades of experience.

The signature picture below has three plants visible. All three were grown on the above schedule.