When Should I Add


Yo is their any body that can tell me if it would be fine to start adding vitame b1 to my two week old ladies? I fucked up and started them off in miracle gro moisture control potting soil with 6 months. Of plant food release. Will I burn my plant ?


Well-Known Member
Why do you feel you need B1?

Experience, or just something you read? How do the plants look?



I don't feel like they need it but why not try it out on one or so. Just messing around with diffrent stuff. My plant look a lil tiny to me for two weeks thou.ill post some picture in a bit. What's about my potting soil I used the 6 months rele lse t?ase . I can't give any type of nutrients


Well-Known Member
That's all superthrive is. It is not needed and if used should be used in very small moderation. Your plant will need other nutes instead. Nitrogen being the first most important. I doubt they need any thing right now at that age.

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
Good luck to you, but i can only really say that this makes me smile. You're wondering whether the added nutes in the soil will harm your plants (without yet knowing) so to counter what you don't yet know you're going to dse them with something you are equally unaware of the results of.

Here's a wacky notion. Leave your plants as they are, then you will technically have one variable to be working with. If you don't know if the soil will burn your plants, and you don't know what B1 will do, what conclusion do you possibly hope to draw. You will be left without knowing if it was one or the other, you damaged your plant and learnt nothing. Until you know exactly what is going on, it makes no sense to add alternative conclusions to a plant problem.
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dont add any nutes for the first 2 weeks, not even vitamins which b1 is, some people use a light solution but i feed nothing until first true leaves appear.. or if the plant is showing it needs more of something the give it, the b1 your talking about is the same as florolicious b1 thrive, use it at about a 1/2 tsp per gallon during normal veg, and same or little higher during flower