When should I harvest male?

So here's my situation.. I have a plant that I just found out is male a few days ago when i began flowering.. it's only about a foot and a half tall but i want to make oil out of it. i also have a few other sprouts that are just about ready to go under my hps, im just waiting on killing this male plant before i mix them in. im wondering if it would be worth it to give it 18/6 light cycle right now instead of 12/12 as i plan on cutting it down on sunday anyways.

thanks to anyone who helps me out. this site is awesome btw lol so much good information, i cant wait to perfect this next batch.


Well-Known Member
That plant is pretty much useless, even for oil or hash. May as well yank it and trash it now.
ive heard of people making decent oil from males. i just dont want all my time to go to complete waste haha i wanna do something with it.


Well-Known Member
Don't risk it. Just by having it in the same house you run the risk of pollinating your entire crop. Get that dick out of there now.


Well-Known Member
Are there any trichomes on the leaves? I think about all you can harvest is pollen. You might be able to smoke the leaves, i've never tried, except maybe this one time but I think that was oregano ;)
i will post a pic tomorrow during the light cycle.. it has a lot of crystals on the stems etc, my roommate even thinks it might be a hermie but im not positive.

in your opinion does a good ph level or a high ppm level matter more in the earlier stages for a plant?


Well-Known Member
take pollen from it and save it for a rainy day...you never now when you'll want to breed a female...
take pollen from it and save it for a rainy day...you never now when you'll want to breed a female...
how would i do that? and is it worth it to put yeast in a bucket w warm water and a cup of sugar? i saw people saying that it helps if you design a system for it but for the time being i had the ingredients and wanted to see if it would benefit at all.