When should I harvest? So many theories!!!


Active Member
So, I have read a lot of different theories on when to harvest. My trichomes are very few clear, most are cloudy and a few are turning amber. I'm growing from bag seed but the plant is really doing well and really good looking. I just started week 6 of flowering. Should I let it go another week? Should I cut her down? Details to the grow below. Thank you for your time.

250w HPS 12/12
FF ocean forest
3 GL pot
Been on GH flora series nutes but is now on PH 7.0 water.


Active Member
Buds are VERY plump, especially over the last 2 weeks. My microscope is a cheapie and I can't really get a good picture through it. I have this feeling that she's ready but I don't want to pull the trigger too soon. So frustrating.


New Member
6 th week is when most strains begin to fill out and show there worth and potentials ... To even think of it now would be your demise .. When you think it might be done , wait a week at least .. This is the best advice I got when learning long ago and with hundreds of varieties grown it taught be to wait for the subtle signs ..

Trichome color with many Sativas and Hybrids is not always accurate to begin with , some simply wont get too cloudy or amber ... Pistil retraction is one indicator that its swelling and ripening , as well the plant slowing or halting its uptake of water.... Learn the basic indicators and watch closely ....... I would rather harvest on a late note than an early one .. Less regret by far and less loss too ..........


Active Member
Thanks Professor. That's some fantastic advice. I'll hold off for a week and see how she does.


Well-Known Member
If you are looking at the trichs on the sugar leaves that is a mistake. You look at the trichs on the calyxes and the buds down below as well as the top buds.

I would say you have at least 3 weeks to go. 8 weeks is hardly anything. I let all mine go 10 weeks or longer and that is pure indicas and indica dominate. 11 weeks last time.