When should I harvest


Hey guys, I'm about to finish my 5th week of flowering and I was wondering a couple thngs. 1. When should I stop giving her nutrients and 2. How many weeks should I let her flower until I decide to harvest. All the imput helps. Happy Growing :)



There are 2 different plants. I believe 1 is a sativa. I was told they are Green Goon and G5. One of them has a shitload of crystals on it and looks damn good. They other looks like its going to be some medium grade, orange hair stuff. Who knows, lol this is my first grow.

haze, son

Active Member
Just give em extra water and let it drain???
Yup. Feed them about 3x the water that they can typically handle, and that should drain the plants of any toxins that would have built up from the nutes, and other salts. About 2 days before harvest, dont feed them any water. This allows the plant to dry out quicker; by almost 2 days.


Right on, thanks for the help guys. If I got 4 more weeks left hopefully those will be some nice big buds :) I'm gettin excited!!!