when should i harvest


hi i am new to all this growing ..i just wondered if any 1 can tell me how long i got left till harvest i got 3 ak48 3 iced grapefruit in soil under 400wat hps plz herlp me the ak48 are the lil bushy and grapefruit tall skinny


Watch the trichomes with a jewelers loop, they will start clear, then cloud up, finally 1 out of 10 amber then chop. That is the way I do it.

What size is your tent, it looks like a GL80 and nice to see you can fit 6 flowering plants in there.
im using 400 hps also, how close r the lights from the plant, looks like u did a good job, another week or 2 will be harvest time, might have to stabalize the tall ones so they dont get topheavy


to be honest with u m8 this is my first grow so new and the light has been at the top of the tent since they were tiny the light is about 13 inches away now and about 20 from the ak48 as they are much shorter
the tent is 1mx1mx2m buddha room
i do have 6 in there but wouldnt advise it as very short for space and the 400 just isent enough with my opion 4 plants this tent 400 watt hps ud be onto a winner but like i said new to it so just learnin at mo