When Should I Start Feeding My Babies Newts?


Well-Known Member
i have 2 plants and irs been thier only a month and i was wondering when should i start feeding them newts i have them in mixed ocean forrest and Light warrior. im asking this because i can see light discoloration in my a few leaves tuning like a yellowish brown color ... i havent watered then for like a week and ahalf and still has a good amount of moister in n them but the bigger one (on the right) is getting dryer then the one on the (left) but tho both have minor discoloration....sorry only one pic i have of them thats how they look thow..
.htgf.jpg Im using Fox Farm nutes as well


Well-Known Member
as small as those are I wouldnt be adding anything except big bloom (since its so weak) ocean forest has tons of nutes in it already, light warrior...not so much, its nothing more then a soilless mix. What was the ratio of your mix? WHEN you do start feeding them....DO NOT give them full strength, start off 1/4th of the recommended. Also make sure you tiger bloom and grow big dont sound like they have marbles in them when you shake the bottles....means they have gone bad.


Well-Known Member
yea i thought so its probably the heat then because i do be having my CFL kind of close but i pushed it up a little ....or it can be from the stress because i did FIM them not too long ago but i never gave it nutes so it cant be that. ...but you give them big bloom first? i thought it was Grow big first because it has mor (N) in it...


Well-Known Member
yes grow big will be used mainly in the veg growth, Tiger bloom for flowering. I mean as of now I'd only use big bloom, cause its so weak in strength, it also helps to relieve stress.

But I asked about the ratio of your soil mix because if 80% of it is light warrior and 20% FFOF, then yes they may need some nutrient. Vise Versa, they wont need anything for awhile still.


Well-Known Member
yes grow big will be used mainly in the veg growth, Tiger bloom for flowering. I mean as of now I'd only use big bloom, cause its so weak in strength, it also helps to relieve stress.

But I asked about the ratio of your soil mix because if 80% of it is light warrior and 20% FFOF, then yes they may need some nutrient. Vise Versa, they wont need anything for awhile still.
oh okay ...but naw i have more way more ocean forrest then light warrior


Well-Known Member
to respond to the rest of your post, the one on the right is sucking up more cause its root system is probably bigger, in pots that size make sure to watch how you water, cause the bottom can turn to muck before the plants roots even reach the bottom if you water to much. The slight yellowing and brow spots could be hot soil (as in loaded with nutes) or slight watering problems.


Well-Known Member
to respond to the rest of your post, the one on the right is sucking up more cause its root system is probably bigger, in pots that size make sure to watch how you water, cause the bottom can turn to muck before the plants roots even reach the bottom if you water to much. The slight yellowing and brow spots could be hot soil (as in loaded with nutes) or slight watering problems.

yea i hope not ...it shouldnt be because i was just spray water on them when i was putting the soil in ...i didnt drench them or anything....but thanks for letting me know


Well-Known Member
if i was u i would start feeding now but only @ a 1/4 strenght. you said that its been growing for a month now? if so then definately start feeding them. dont matter what nutes you will be using always start with 1/4 strength and then move your way up, that way you wont have no lock out or over feed the plant and stress it out.


Well-Known Member
if i was u i would start feeding now but only @ a 1/4 strenght. you said that its been growing for a month now? if so then definately start feeding them. dont matter what nutes you will be using always start with 1/4 strength and then move your way up, that way you wont have no lock out or over feed the plant and stress it out.
Okay thanks start feeding them even if there still moist at the bottom...well the big one is dry like 4 inches in the soil.......but how much water should i feed them if anything?...should i spray on the leaves or the soil?