when should i start to flush?pics


Well-Known Member
Can you take pix of the entire plant. I would say wait another 10-14 days before thinking of flushing.


Well-Known Member
You do not have to flush but If you are it is recommended in the 2 weeks before harvest.



Well-Known Member
All the pistils are still mainly white. As others have said, better photos would help, but IMO, you have a ways to go before thinking of flushing. Those pistils will turn brown/orange and recede bit. And as I've said a million times before,pistils actually are no way to gauge the readiness/ripeness of a plant. You need to pay attentione to the trichomes to get anywhere near an accurate judgement of when to flush/harvest. Get, if you don't have, a decent magnifying lens, or better yet a jeweler's loupe for real close ups of the trichs. That is the only way to TRULY tell if you're ready.