when should i take dome off ?? (seedlings) ?


so thats basically the question above ! i have some seeds which broke ground and are growing their first set of leaves! so when should i pop the dome off and let these babys get some proper air circulation ?

stay high and happy!

Labs Dexter

Well-Known Member
Nice fruits you got going buddy. I let them go on 200 cfl as soon as they break through the top. Hope it helps


thank you guys ! appreciate it alot! another question what should the humidity and the temperature be ? its my first time growing out of seeds.. !


Well-Known Member
40-60% is fine and temps keep around room temperature 22-25° c (71-77 f).
Main concerns for seedlings are that you don't overwater them or let the medium completely dry out.


Well-Known Member
Yeah like he said proper watering which isn't much (misting works nicely), and sufficient lighting to prevent stretching. cfls can go pretty close, and not too much direct air, the thing about forceful air to strengthen stems applies more to seedlings say at least three weeks old


Well-Known Member
i never fill the beer cup i germ seeds in with medium, i fill half way as the seedlings always stretch and i'm under a 600. i fill it after they stretch a bit instead of trying to stake em up which is a pain in the ass. i also try to keep temps around 80f and humidity around the same if i can get it that high.


Well-Known Member
i never fill the beer cup i germ seeds in with medium, i fill half way as the seedlings always stretch and i'm under a 600. i fill it after they stretch a bit instead of trying to stake em up which is a pain in the ass. i also try to keep temps around 80f and humidity around the same if i can get it that high.
If you keep CFL on them close they don't stretch. However your method is good. Roots will shoot from the sides as far up as the dirt stays. You growers not using CFL or some other low-heat light source early remember this. I see straws split and meat skewers tied to them. Just fill your container with dirt right below the first leaves.
so thats basically the question above ! i have some seeds which broke ground and are growing their first set of leaves! so when should i pop the dome off and let these babys get some proper air circulation ?

stay high and happy!
if it's above the ground take the dome off, just keep your lights at a reasonable distance(depends on what lights you are using?)


Well-Known Member
so thats basically the question above ! i have some seeds which broke ground and are growing their first set of leaves! so when should i pop the dome off and let these babys get some proper air circulation ?

stay high and happy!
First 4 days closed open to let out air twice a day then open slots spray a lot keep dome on :)
Congrats, but don't confuse the use of a dome with germination success. Domes are not needed for germination and as previously stated, only increase your odds of damping off. Save the dome for clones.
It does help with humidity though especially if your in a place where its low
That is terrible advice. Do that and your asking for mold.
yep it certainly is, as soon as they are sprouted take the domes off, the light will do the rest!!



Nice going..do you put them in Rockwool or Jiffy Pellets..I always put them in Jiffy Pellets proud 100% Germination success..I don't trust myself with the paper towel method!! Grow on n good luck
I put them in root riots! Check it out! Its a brand that makes these plugs that u can put a clone or a seed in and its supposed to help with the root development! If u live in the US u should checkout the rapid rooters instead!
I put them in root riots! Check it out! Its a brand that makes these plugs that u can put a clone or a seed in and its supposed to help with the root development! If u live in the US u should checkout the rapid rooters instead!
yeah we get rapid rooters here too(UK) but i prefer the jiffies then straight into the soil, if it ain't broke?