When should I transplant into ground?


New Member
I don't think they are quite high enough yet. But I have 9 growing in the same planter. We didn't have enough to do it any other way. If someone could tell me how to post pictures I will gladly show u were I'm at.


Well-Known Member
Go to advanced options and scroll down and click manage attachments. So 9 in 1 pot? Going to have some tough times. They may kill each other over root space. Or one may dominate the rest. Either way growth is probably slowed do to this sharing. As far as transplanting into the ground for the growing season, I think you are a little too late seeing as its just about june


Well-Known Member
You could've bought a pack of paper/plastic/styrofoam cups from the dollar store for a $1.The one by my house even has gardening supplies.You could have germinated them in the ground,spaced apart:).You can transplant whenever you want as long as you harden them off first.Set them outside in the shade for a few days,then put in the sun for a couple hrs for a few days,gradually exposing them to more and more sunlight each day.GL


Active Member
I would say get them into the ground yesterday. Yes it is a lil late in the game for you but last year I began a grow in Mid june, wasnt ideal but it worked.....
If you leave them where they are, cramped, you will get crappy plant growth, which in turn leads to busted ass smoke.


New Member
Thanks guys. I'll plant them tonight they all actually have their own space. It's a big planter. They all prolly messure abt 6 inches or so.