when the earliest i can grow outdoor in the uk?


i am a indoor grower and want to have a shot at outdoor growing this season, i live in london when should i start my outdoor grow? got big 125 litres pots is this enough? i want to grow big 3-5 foot plants cant grow in the ground because my dogs will rip it out like they did last time.any tips suggestions as to when to start and if anyone has grown outdoor in the u.k before?


bio bizz all mix is that a good idea? and are those pots big enough i dont really want to go autoflower i have cheese cuttings that i wanted to do outside there from greenhouse co.
Plant now ONLY if you can VEG your plants at home. If you do not have this possibility, wait till night temperature won't drop below 9 degrees Celsius.


With the weather so summery this last week in the UK you might be tempted to start planting now - but that would be a mistake in my opinion. Mid-May makes a better starting time to start growing outdoors in the UK 'cause you can count on better weather on a more consistent basis.

Of course its not just when to plant but what to plant when it comes to growing in the UK. Most cannabis varieties are unsuitable because the weather is too cool and the season is too short - not to mention the threat of mould come September.

A short but good list of cannabis strains for the outdoors UK can be found here: 6 best cannabis strains for growing outdoors UK

Hope that helps.


thanks dud i wanted to grow cheese outdoors is this a good idea? seeing as cheese was found growing in england so i guess it will grow good


Cheese got its reputation from the Exodus commoners rights movement and is usually known as an indoor variety. There are a few Cheese varieties around now and some might be OK for outdoors in the UK, as long as the flowering period isn't too drawn out. Maybe Dinafem Cheese would be okay.

See: Best Cheese Seeds


Well-Known Member
Cheese grows fine outdoors, I've seen a picture of outdoor cheese plants someone had