when the head of the seed rises on top of the soil do i start putting light on it???


Well-Known Member
Because I planted my seed over a day ago and I just had it in da dark with a plastic bag over it wiit a heating pad under it and wit a humiditifier in the area....and the head of the seed rose above the soil but didn't sprout yet so it just standing up above da soil should I start giving it light or just keep doing the same process I was doing until it sprouts the leaves......so basically when should I put my floro liight above iit???....thanks


Well-Known Member
Yea but a lot of people said it reallyy don't need liight when its a seedling when it comes out that's when you should be worrying about the lighting...because the first tiime I did iit I had my liight over it and it didn't even come out da soil then I took da seeds out and the taproot was all brown and shriveld up and shiit......but alriight imma put da liight on iit now


Well-Known Member
right after you germinate the seeds and the taproot is sticking out stick it in the dirt with taproot down and turn the light on as close as you can get. 100 percents success rate