When their is a power failure, what to do.


Well-Known Member
Ok I have a whole house generator......10,000 watts. It basicly runs the whole house in a power failure except the washer dryer and stove. I don't think there is enough juice to run my setup (3 x 1000w digital ballasts and carbon scrubbers and exhaust fans). So I was wondering if can I just run some t5's or some regular flouresents while the power is out? Power failures around here usually don't last more than a couple of hours. Thanks in advance for everyones input!
i wouldnt do anything...sit n burn a doob. seems by the time you make the light switch the power is back on anyways. if its not that often its ok. 2 - 3 times a week then id do something.
Switching to T5 of some CFL's will surrely help keep your plants healthy. If it is for less then a day, I wouldn't worry unless it becomes something that happens weekly.
I have power outages here a few times a year. Have had a generator since the first power outage, and run it the second power goes out. I propagate corals, and all my neighbors know it, so running a generator when the power goes off doesn't raise any flags or anything, and it's super handy...

Technically a day or two without light isn't going to be huge, but if you have the generator might as well use it. If you're not taking a lot of juice to run your house then you might be able to keep some HID's running. See what sort of amperage they draw, and what you are using when the power is off... If t5's or CFL's are all you can run, then do it, any light will help.