When to add Nutes and how long ? Proper ppm ? Proper times ? HELP PLZ :(


Well i build a stinkbud veg system, my plants just went into it they are a couple weeks old so they are decent size, its 5 gallons of water and i mixed technafloral nutes for 4 gallons of water and mixed it in my ppm is only at 650 and my ph is in the 5.5-6.0 range my timer is set for 15 minutes on 15 minutes off.... I don't have the money to get a good timer yet.... But i was wondering how long do i leave the water like this before i change it ? is 15-15 ok for right now ? The bottom leaves are turning yellow and have a brown spot or 2 on them.... any idea's ?

Any idea what my problems are ? With both the dirt and aero ones ?


Well-Known Member
Looks like you need calmag, and that should clear it up and give your plants a nice greeen look, and also throw some zho and silca blast, and how often are you watering the soil plants should be once every 2-3 days. and then with your aero system, what colour are the roots. Might need to throw H2O2 in there and ZHO as well. and then what light cycle are you on.

oh really???

Well-Known Member
I'm runnung the same deal. Stinkbud modified 12 site with 600gph pump under a 600 watt. Two ways to do it. Change your rez completely every 1-2 weeks with fresh nutes, or top off the rez every 1-3 weeks with fresh nutes. I run the recipe for success by technoflora. You are completely covered for your basics.