When to add Nutrients


Well-Known Member
When growing hydroponically, in a dwc style with the roots suspended in water, how often do you adjust the ppm of your nutrient solution? So if youre running in flower at 1200 ppm and the next day the solution in the dwc bucket is down to 1100, should you adjust the ppm of the solution back to 1200? Or just let it continue to lower until the next time change the water and refill the bucket with the correct ppm nutrient solution? Or would you adjust the soultion every day or two to keep the ppm's where you want them? :hump:


Well-Known Member
C'mon now I feel like this is a pretty easy question I'm pretty sure I know the answer already but some advice please? How often do you guys feed/correct ppm to maximum levels in a dwc system?


Whatever you want. Adjusting everyday is probably not necessary. DWC is a pain in the ass, to much res maintenance IMO. You can try the DWC forum.


Active Member
It's not an easy question to answer because there is no universally applicable answer. The nutrients you use, the ratio you mix them in, the water you start with, the size of your reservoirs, the strain you bought, the phenotype(s) you are growing, the lights you grow under, the ventilation, CO2 concentration... I could fill pages with factors that affect how often the reservoir will need to be topped off or changed.

I do DWC in 5 gallon buckets. I just add more RO water when it gets too low for the roots to touch water and change the reservoir when the girls start slowing down (about every two weeks.) I did not come to this conclusion by reading forum posts, it's pure trial and error.

Grow your plants and learn what will work for you. You're growing a weed not defusing a nuclear bomb, mistakes are both acceptable and a great way to learn.