When to feed


Well-Known Member
Soil? How old's your plant?
(600w Sneaky grow? sneaky? same here! but we ain't sneaky! lol!)


Well-Known Member
I'd leave it now for two weeks. Once she gets going you can feed every watering, just adjust the nutrient strength, it's what I do. Otherwise, full strength once a week.
But the real trick is recognising nute burn and nute deficiency, cos she'll let you know before it's a big problem.
For the moment carry on as you are....


Active Member
keep the nutes to a minimum while your plants are that young. its ok to nute them a little bit. when i have new sprouts/clones i nute once every 3 to 4 waterings but very VERY lightly. you can gradually build up their tolerance for the nutes as they get bigger and stronger. i would go with 1/4 strength every 3 times you water for now. something i have always done, might not be something you want to do, but throughout the growth i take a highly diluted nute (1/8th strength) and slightly mist the underside of the leaves with a spray bottle. always seems to work out fine for me. and as always, of course, stop ferting a week or two before harvest.