When to flower (in regards to plant size)


Well-Known Member
Hey gang,

growing 5 plants in 3 gallon bags in a 4x4x6.5 space. my plants are between 9-11 inches growing under a 400 digital MH and fed using FoxFarm trio on homemade soil (soil, earthworm castings and perlite). Wanted to get some feedback when I should start flowering them.

Two of them are yellowing on the new leaves, I think I used too much FoxFarm (i fed every watering and used the chart, not 1/2 dose but what it said). I did not feed last watering instead used molasses. May do 1-2 waterings like that before I goto flower and add the last nute.

Any thoughts welcome.




Well-Known Member
Try to get the light closer the plants. When to flower is up to you and has many factors like harvest size, plant height, etc.


Well-Known Member
I thought the lights were too close as it is now, I guess I can make them closer. The room is 80 degrees lights on and 70 lights off. I can lower them where the canopy is basically touching the glass. Its not that how as I have an exhaust fan connected to the light which cools things down a bit.

In regards to when to flower, I did two plants last time using miracle grow and got 2oz from each plant (using 12 CFL's) when I vegged for 8 weeks and flowered for 12 weeks. I got the better light to get better yield but not take 5 months. I figured soup to nuts, 3-4 month. If I do that, I guess I would start flowering in 1-2 weeks tops?

Sound logical?
