ok so here is one i have not seen a definate answer, best to harvest day or night, my thought i want to chop it when the plant is sending all its energy in to the buds, not the roots , also i had a plant and noticed it was seeding, i cut it down after 6 weeks of flower, should i have left it?
pls excuse my utter ignorance, but why not just harvest before the lights come back on ?
we spend months growing and feeding a plant, taking care of it and watching it, making sure we do everything as best we can, only to then stress right at the end, when everything is already done.
i really cant see that it makes a big enough difference, not one that you would ever notice anyway...
say you grew and treated 2 identical plants the exact same way, then chopped one in complete dark.
and the other just after lights off.
can you HONESTLY tell me you would notice a difference ?