when to harvest (newbie)

my plant has to go soon, my house is up for sale and i cant have people seeing it.

i planted on october 26, and started flowering december 5th.

i feel it is to early to start harvesting, but i need to by wednesday january 11th.

this is my first plant, and it is not the best but im happy with it.

could you guys look at the pics and let me know how bad it would be to start harvesting within the next week? please give me answers soon



Active Member
If it isnt sticky and producing trichomes it isnt gonna be good for much....Cant tell from pics... Looks like its just starting to get flowering good! Cant you take it and let someone finish it for you or move it to your new place? Really sad to put all that effort in only to have to destroy it... Good luck...
The buds r not that big but I do see lots of brown hairs but also still see big healthy white ones....I'd say another week or two.


New Member
I understand the need to harvest early. My roommate has a loan on the table and has an upcoming inspection. And I am fced with the same issue. My girls have been flowering for 8+ weeks though. If there is no other option available to you, you will get high on the budz she has. How high? probably pretty high, you will have the added pride in smoking your own plant. You of course understand you will not yield more than maybe a 1/4 oz after she is dried. But again something is better than nothing. Best of luck!!!


Active Member
If you have no alternative other than to cut by the 11'th, just cut now. That thing is way premature, and a couple days won't do a thing. There's still a good amount of time for a finish, but if you can't, then you can't.


New Member
Looks like it needs to go a lot longer to me. If it has to be cut it has to be cut, but if you have anyone you trust I'd give to them. The yield will increase substantially if you let her go. What a shame.


Well-Known Member
You've got a couple of weeks to go at least. You're just at the tail end of week 5. Most strains take at least 7 weeks. Sativa dominant can take 9-11 weeks.
You won't harvest nearly as much and it won't be as good as it could have been. I'd guess you may only harvest 50-60% of what you could have had.
It's a shame - you've got a nice start for your first try. You'll probably double the yield on your next attempt if you finish the harvest and learn from your current setup.
Good luck!
thanks you guys, its gunna be hard to but im going to be able to keep it, im leaving it at my brothers for now. i will be able to get her back by this weekend in my new house, if it wasnt for you guys id be curing the bud now, and i realized im going to wait untill it is finished


Well-Known Member
6 weeks in not enough. That plant just started to show signs of buds. Be a shame to kill if gor nothing,