When to harvest??


Hey so I lost track of what week my girls are in for flowering..

Any idea of when to harvest? I'm looking for the optimal range of THC/CBD

The images of the flowers are from the main ones at the top. The pistils in the middle and bottom haven't begun to turn brown yet.



Weed Modifier
Hey so I lost track of what week my girls are in for flowering..

Any idea of when to harvest? I'm looking for the optimal range of THC/CBD

The images of the flowers are from the main ones at the top. The pistils in the middle and bottom haven't begun to turn brown yet.
Love the purple ! :weed:


Well, my other concern is that the big leaves are turning yellow pretty quickly. I thought this would be a sign of harvest time as well, but maybe it's a nitrogen deficiency?


Weed Modifier
Yes they are, and are hungry , feed asap.
I dont cut N out of flowering , i just drop it slightly and add more of bloom nutes.

Should give more info on grow like, indoor/outdoor, medium you using, Nutes, ppms /ec. Water ph? Water schedule, how much your feeding?

More info the better.
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outdoor, in separate pots with drainage holes in good soil with bat guano, etc. Watering every day usually (my deck gets full blast of sun from 8am to 5pm), every other day i throw in the nutes (AB flower mixture from Trip Tonic, 5mL per litre, 3.5 litres for all 4 plants does the trick).
Water is filtered, and at a good ph. I think 6.5 - 7 last time I checked..