When to Harvest


Active Member
Just wondering about a couple things is it possible to harvest the cola first and let the plant keep growing the other other lower buds? Also what are some signs that a plant is ready to harvest? i am in prob my 6-7 week flowering.


Well-Known Member
harvest when you get a mix of cloudy/amber trichomes. You will need to buy a 30x loop to see them though. You can buy a jewlers loop at radioshack and walmart. If you dont wanna hassle with buying one then harvest when most of the hairs are red; like 80%+. But you may not be harvesting a optimal time when using this method.


New Member
You can harvest the main cola and the other "ripe" flowers and leave the lower buds flowering longer to fill them out. Indoor growers do this all the time.



Active Member
Alright thanks when taking the cola off is there any way i should do this Ex) Cut at 45 degree angle or anything?