WHen to move clones from vedge to bloom


I am trying to go for a 3 month crop cycle.
I want to have quick harvest...

Once my mother and clone routine is set.
How long Do I vedge my clones for.?
1 month or 3 weeks.
What the smallest plant size that will respond to blooming and still yield 2-3 ounces per plant.



I have 4 4ft flourescents going in vedge room.
Its a hydro sys with grow micro bloom from advanced NUts.
In the flowering room its 4oowt hps, I try to alternate 400wt mtl halide for first weeks blooming to increase growth. then the rest is done with a single 400wt hps
my bloom room is 5ft wide x 9ft high x 6ft long. blooming grow tray is 4x2ft 8-9 inches deep


Active Member
I have 4 4ft flourescents going in vedge room.
Its a hydro sys with grow micro bloom from advanced NUts.
In the flowering room its 4oowt hps, I try to alternate 400wt mtl halide for first weeks blooming to increase growth. then the rest is done with a single 400wt hps
my bloom room is 5ft wide x 9ft high x 6ft long. blooming grow tray is 4x2ft 8-9 inches deep

just my opinion.. seems like a large space for only 400watts. also i would not typically expect 2-3 ounces per plant in that space, assuming you are growing more than a few. i mean if you were to get a gram a watt you would still be short of a pound.

anyways i would suggest vegging for a month and trying to flower in 2. works for me. good luck


Ok veg 1 mo bloom 2 mo. good got it..
I might try veging a shorter time. shoot for 6" clones to then bud out.

I do alot of play with light...
18hrs/day vege room.
13hrs/day first 2.5 weeks metal halide.'
12hrs/day wk 2.5-4.5
11hrs/day 4.5-? how ever long it takes

could this be why my babies only wanna give thumbnail size buds?


2week perpetual harvest.. can you explain what the hell that intails...
I want a good size harvest in the shortest time.


Active Member
basically 2 cycles of veg, 4 cycles of flower. clones are rooting, while another set of clones is two weeks vegged, another set 4 weeks veg, another set 2 weeks into flower, another set 4 weeks into flower, 6wks flower, 8 wks flower..... make sense??....


this sounds really nice. i dont think its crystal clear but i get it.
basicly raising the plant as its flowering not to grow a big bush the bud it out.

so my plants now that are slow ass shit on a stick is due to over veg time?

How do you keep 4 cycles of nutrient gowing with out having 4 reservoirs going


I think i get it.
fresh picked clones, rooted clones in veg room, mothers. budding and newly budding plant clones
How do you not run 4 diff resistors?
can you overlap then into cycles. like rooting clones and fresh clones in same res? and newly budding clones and finishing clones in the same resiv?


Well-Known Member
1 month veg and 2 months flowering will work, especially for certain strains. But you have approximately 30 square feet, so you should get more lighting if you are looking for that kind of yield. 2-3 oz's is doable, but I don't know how doable on that short of a cycle. Now with a 4 month cycle, you are MUCH more likely to get your desired yield.
basically 2 cycles of veg, 4 cycles of flower. clones are rooting, while another set of clones is two weeks vegged, another set 4 weeks veg, another set 2 weeks into flower, another set 4 weeks into flower, 6wks flower, 8 wks flower..... make sense??....

that sounds right to me too...of course, it's early in Oaktown...need coffee...
